Monday, October 12, 2009

Investing in Mutual Funds

Dear Valued IMG Partners:

Good day!

Many people think that in order to retire comfortably, one needs to earn a lot while
young, save huge money in the bank and work as long as physically able. The problem is,
only a few are aware that fat pay checks, savings in traditional financial institutions
and pure hard work do not guarantee financial independence. It should still be the
discipline to invest regularly (consistency) and knowing the right resources that would

Correct investing do not necessarily require big capital and extensive technical
expertise. Take into example mutual funds. These are investment companies registered
in the SEC having the concept of pooling investors’ money while a professional fund
manager takes care of allocating these funds into a diversified portfolio of securities.
Sounds complicated? On the contrary, all that needs to be done is put in money (minimum
of Php5,000.00) and let the mutual fund monitor and manage your investments. Your money
along with other people’s money will be invested in instruments like government
securities (treasury bills, notes and bonds), commercial papers, and in the stock market.
In return, because of the mutual funds’ muscle, participation in various high-yielding
instruments and economies of scale, investors may receive higher earnings over the long

Do you know that if you invest Php2,000.00 monthly in a mutual fund for the next 5 years
you would get Php507,775 on the 20th year? Continue this for another 5 years and it will
even grow to Php830,748.00.*

Or if you invest Php5,000.00 monthly for the next 5 years you would get Php1,273,430.00
on the 20th year and continue for another 5 years and will even grow to Php2,0980,750.00.*

All told, it certainly is easy and achievable to have a descent retirement fund. You
just have to remember the basic essentials:

1. Have that discipline to invest regularly (cost-averaging).
2. Study your investment options.
3. Have a long-term horizon.

For any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.
Telephone numbers: 894-1811 or 812-1995. You may also visit our websites: or

Or you can email me

*Based on conservative projections. Invested in a bond fund and an equity fund with a
60-40 allocation at 6% and 12% average annual returns respectively.

Truly yours,

Bus. Development Officer (RSA)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How Do You Invest ?...on Stocks?

Many of us venture on different investment schemes which unfortunately we do not have the basic knowledge.

Some people venture on restaurant business thinking it's simple only to find out later after some 5 , 6 and even 7 digit losses that it's not that easy.

Some opt to franchise a food cart business or an outlet for dry goods or meat products, because a friend is into the said business but after some months of hard starts, miserably fails to achieve the desired rate of return to their investments.

Another group puts particular interest on Stocks Investing. Motivation comes from mere image build up to serious investing plans.

In all of the above, the key factor one must have is proper education and coaching.

You cannot dive into the pool of investment regardless of what business line it is unless you particularly know how to swim in the said pool. Note, even those who are well versed even drown! So get yourself the needed financial education.

Our company: IMG - International Marketing Group, provides seminars that helps people learn proper saving and investing.

Having said that, I hope you could go back to my previous logs on proper wealth building practices, and financial planning.

As to Stocks investing, get a coach. Diversify. Put some on Mutual Funds which is investing in stocks made easy (as this is like getting an expert do the investing for you). Try Citiseconline and practice investing. Do not invest big time until you get the knack of it.

Two ways you can never fail in Stocks Investing: Money Cost Averaging for beginners, and Trading for those who has the facility and time to monitor market movements. But I would like to warn you, Trading on Stocks is not for the faint of heart!

Would appreciate your comments and suggestions.

Send me a note to my email :

God bless!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Investing on a Property- Consider Flooding History

We have practically covered all the steps in achieving Financial Freedom from our previous blogs.

But let me expound a bit more on the topic of accumulating Long Term Assets.

Firstly, just a matter of review, I subscribe to the definition of Robert Kiyosaki on what is an Asset vs Liability. Robert defined Asset as something that you buy that puts money into your pocket. I added, anything that increases your value.

This is very important in making sure that indeed what we accumulate across time are assets which we will be able to use to generate our passive income.

One very relevant question to ask ourselves today is: Is buying a house and lot a good investment ? Is it really accumulating wealth when we buy a house and lot?

Other than the aforementioned consideration or definition of what is an asset, we must ensure that the house and lot we buy are free from flooding.

It will be a big mistake to invest on a house and lot that has a history of flooding as you wont expect said property to increase in value over time. Thus, it will not guarantee you returns from your investment.

I'm sure nobody will be interested to buy a property that has history of flooding.

It will also be difficult to find tenants if you rent out your house if people know it has history of flooding.

Of course, there are more to consider as well.... for now, I just want to emphasize on flooding as this is the most relevant today in view of the destruction brought by Typhoon Ondoy.

God bless!