Thursday, November 19, 2009

Focus and Determination

I just can't get over what Glenda told me on her secret in achieving what she has achieved... Focus and Determination...

She kept repeating these two words in the course of our conversation as she shared her wonderful transformation from being a house help in Hong Kong , to being an investor, and owner of her own IMG business and her freedom from her employer.

When she heard about the X-curve and Rule of 72, she kept this in her mind and heart and used her Sunday day-off to learn the application of the said concepts. Then, she acted on it and made it her focus to embark on a mission to educate her fellow domestic helpers to better their lives as she had done.

She was fired up with strong determination and a laser focused aim at her goals and she did it. She has indeed transformed herself from an OFW to OFI- Overseas Filipino Investor!

God bless!

Can IMG Really Change Lives?

I'm so fortunate to meet one of the many people whose life had been changed by IMG.

Right now, as I write this blog, I'm in IMG office in Singapore and with the living example of a person who has been able to rise up from her humble beginning through her IMG activites.

I'm talking about Glenda Flores who hails from the Province of Negros, one of the major islands of the Visayan group of islands. She had worked as Domestic Helper in Hong Kong for more than 10 years. 4 Years ago, she joined IMG and from then on focused her energy in achieving her dreams to one day terminate her employer, which she did.

And that's amazing! You know why? Because she understood the IMG concept of saving and investing for her future. Then, she embarked on a mission to educate and wake up her fellow OFW- Overseas Filipino Workers in Hong Kong. She had successfully done her mission and by now she is a Senior Marketing Director with 6 Direct Marketing Director under her. A feat she was able to accomplish in mere 4 years. And what makes it amazing? She was just able to do her IMG mission only once a week as she only has her Sunday day off to do it.

She sacrificed her rest day just to do the mission and she did not only change her status as OFW to OFI- Overseas Filipino Investor , but more worthy of emulation is the fact that she was able to change so many peoples lives as well. Turning many OFW to spenders and struggling workers to investors and savers like her who are sure of having a secured financial future.

You want to follow her footsteps? Absorb the concept and act on it like what Glenda did and change your life for the better!

God bless.

Friday, November 13, 2009

How Do you Know if You are a Business Owner?

Most people who owns businesses actually do not own the business, but the other way around. The business owns them.

Be it a "puwesto" (stall) in a market place, or a franchised outlet, or a training or educational institution, if it runs without or with minimum intervention from you, then you own that business.

I have friends who owns a school and they are spending tons of hours in their school. They have to to be there by 8AM and leaves the place after 8PM in most cases, and at times even beyond. Another friend owns a market stall and she has to tend to her customers up to 7PM.

They do not have the luxury of taking time out from their business.

I pity them, but that's the kind of business they want to have, and they get a lot of satisfaction doing so. But, certainly, in the point of view of having hte business or the business having you, I believe it pretty clear that my friends are owned by their business.

My IMG business is far different. We truly own it and we can achieve the satisfaction of helping people achieve financial freedom.

If you want to know more, send me an email so I can respond to you.

God bless.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Increase Your Value!

In my earlier blogs, I've written about the differentiations of the two in my revise version of Mr. Robert Kiyosaki's definition. I say anything that we obtain which improves our value is an asset and anything in reverse of this is a liability.

If buying a car increases your value, then it is an asset. If buying a house increase your value, then by all means buy a house. So the major challenge really is how do we make things we accumulate assets. That is the 5 million dollar question. You want to know the answer?

It's all about net value, or net cash flow. So for example, you buy a house, pay it 2M Php and resell it to more than 2M then it is an asset. Or you rent it out and earn you more than 10% per year on top of the depreciation cost of the house, then it is an asset. Buy a car and you pay it with the rental income of the car plus minimum of 10% rate of return, then it is an asset.

Your next question is why 10%? I use 10% as my baseline for how much minimum you can earn if you put your money on Mutual Funds or Stocks Equity.

Let's go beyond material things. Let's talk about education, training, seminars and travels. Are spending on these turns to asset or liabilities? Why do we get ourselves through all these hassles of reading books, answering assignments, doing research and all the headaches? Check it out by looking at your value as a person. Are you paid higher? Are you able to do more higher paying tasks, or do you achieve higher rate of returns on your investments because of what you learned? If you're answer is yes, then , your spending is turned into assets.

Want to know more? Send me your comments and inquiries .

God bless!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Active Vs Passive Income

Let's have a review . Active Income is a source of Income which needs you to do an action to get your pay or income, while a Passive Income keeps coming even if you are not doing anything.

Robert Kiyosaki in his 4 quadrant explanations show Employees, and Self Employed belong to this category of Active Income earners. By employees, this means you have a workplace and an employer and you render your talent or service to earn your wage. You can be the President of the company , yet since you are employed in that company , you are still an active income earner.

Just exactly how many employment can you have, or business you can run by yourself? In the Philippines, most usual is single employment, then a sideline business or part time employment as in teaching in a school or university, or tending a sari sari store. Some go for franchising which is still an active way of income generation.

You cannot have too many of this active income streams as it will be physically and mentally tiring. You definitely wont enjoy the fruits of your labor.

On the other hand, Passive Income are generated from Interest Earnings from your Investments, Rental Income , and Royalty Income.

Our financial challenge is to move our income from our active source to passive income source.

In IMG we teach people how to do this and earn limitless income.

You want to know more... contact me...

God bless.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Resist the Temptation

It's just 45 days and it will be Christmas!

This period is the critical period for SALE Temptations... New LCD or Plasma TV (30+ inches dapat), DSLR Camera with Vibration Stabilizers Lenses at least 2-4x Mag, perhaps new car, and certainly new clothes.... Why? ... kasi ito din yung period na naka announce na sched for the 13th month pay.

But, let me be your KJ for the day. STOP, resist the temptation and run away from it. Do not spend beyond your means or even within your means. SAVE and INVEST for your future needs.

If it is within the 70% of your income, go ahead and enjoy it, but if you will pay with money you haven't earned yet... it's suicidal.

So many people are suffering, and do not even have anything to eat, yet we can afford to splurge. Give to charities at least 10% , and invest the 20% of whatever cash flow you will have.

Moreover, you may even have piled up debts you need to pay up. This is your priority and not another expense.

Be Truly Rich...

God bless..

Sunday, November 8, 2009

True Riches

Hi There... it's been quite a while since my last blog entry coz I've been away for a 14 day European Marian Pilgrimage. It's really something everyone must experience, but of course it's not that cheap...

In the said pilgrimage, we passed through the places where two most influential Saints of my life once walked and lived. St Francis (I like his Italian name: Francesco) and St Ignatius of Loyola (Loiola as they spell it).

What's their relation to my topic? Both of them came from influential and rich families. Both are gallant men who wants to be famous Knights (those who leads crusades against the moors of their times). But both of them gave their all to God!

True Riches is not measured on what we amass or have, but what we can offer back to God. Note, what we can offer. We cannot offer what we do not have, correct? Thus, Truly Rich are those who can offer all back to God of what they have. And these two saints gave their 100% and left nothing for them.

So how many percent do we give back? Are we Truly Rich? Are we doing something to that direction? Do we have the right mind set, attitude and working plans to be one?

If you need guidance... just give me a note at or

God bless!