Monday, April 25, 2011



The act of granting certain powers or the authority to carry out a particular task or duty.

With a sales commission serving as full or partial recompense for the work done.

An inner calling to pursue an activity or perform a service; a vocation.


M- e… It starts with our own self introspection. Who we are, where we are right now, accepting everything who we are and committing to change from within. We cannot begin with our mission if we do not begin with our self. “We cannot make a difference for families until we help our family first.”- Xuan p 310.

I-mplement the concepts first with our self. Do with our-self first what we will share to others. Realize that others will not just listen to what we will share but look at what we have done to ourselves and changes we have made. If we start to share the concepts which we ourselves do not do, we are no better than a lying and shrewd salesman who is not after the MISSION but the COMMISSION… Implementing or doing what we share makes us powerful witness and a living proof to what we will share to others.

S-hare the concepts relentlessly and with pride. The more we share, the more we empower our self. The more we resolve to have what we preach happen first into our life. The more we commit our self to what we preach and share. It is like a self fulfilling prophecy and a cementing process of what we truly believe and do. But again, we can only share what we really have experienced and continue to experience in our own life. “There are so many people who say they want to help but they hardly move. In fact, they can’t even help themselves.” Xuan p311.

S-trive hard, struggle, stumble, suffer, survive…. We are relentless. We do not count the cost. We are shielded from any hurts by focusing on our MISSION to share the good news of Financial Literacy and Planning. We even suffer as we get rejected by people close to us whom we thought trust us enough or whom we thought as our true friends. All this only make us look forward to our resurrection. Survive this phase and we are on our way to success! Most people fail in this stage of the IMG Mission. Most people quit at this point as there is not much to cling on as the commissions are still low and the hurts are too great. This is the tipping point. This is the decision stage. We either win or lose but if we persevere and survive this process we WIN! And when everything seems to fail and nothing really pull us up…we look up to the heavens and just LET GO and LET GOD! “Victory belongs to the most persevering” Napoleon Bonaparte

I-nspire others to do the same. It is good that we pass the struggle stage, but it will be more fantastic if we inspire others to do the same. It is even more fulfilling to help others succeed and be true to the mission. We need to inspire more people to be IMG missionaries. Once we get into this stage, we become unstoppable. We will know that we are able to get into this stage if others look up to us and follow our examples. To sustain this, we also need to look up to our models, people who inspire us to go the next level. We get inspired to inspire others. We read books, read the Bible, watch inspirational movies. We attend IMG GT, conventions, trainers training, and listen to our leaders’ success stories. Be inspired to inspire… this brought us to our next level.

O-rganize our Mission Teams… Prepare and equip our teams. Train them on the System Flow. Commission them to do the mission by having weekly meetings… check our teams where they are as to the M I S S I… and make our teams aware that M I S S I is not a one-time process but a cyclical process. Always send them by pair. A Trainer with a Trainee. We NEED to build our team and organize to recruit more members to the team. We cannot do it BIG alone. We adhere and follow the System Flow and We Do it as a Team!

N-on stop activity… The MISSION never stops. There are a lot of people who needs our help. A lot of family whom we need to bring to the right way of saving and investing. A lot of families we need to change lives. We need to do regular follow up to our members and client. We must continue to update our prospect list. Set our targets and monitor our progress. We have to make it as an objective to move from PART TIME to FULL TIME and do the Mission nonstop. Within two years we were full time in IMG. We list up all our associates who need to run for FL, all FLs who need to run for AMD, all AMDs who need to run for MD, all MDs who need to run for SMD, and onwards… Nonstop.


1. Do you want to Help your Family?
2. Do you want to Help others?
3. Do you want to work with teams?
4. Do you love to do 1-2-3?

Our answers to all of these questions are resounding YES… We are for the IMG Mission.

Then, we prayed long and hard for this. Is this the kind of business we want? Are we fitted to this? What will our friends and associates tell us? What will our parents say? What will our children think? Will this make us successful and happy?

After all the soul searching and discernment.... We made a decision... this is for God's greater glory, this is to help families remain intact, and this is aligned with our passion and competency...we will go for the IMG Mission full speed!

“Seek yeah first the kingdom of God, and all His righteousness. And all these things shall be added unto you…” Matthew 6:32-33


We do not want to claim that we already have achieved our goals and are perfect! We are perfecting our way to our own mission…We continue to hurdle our own struggles…We also continue to get inspiration from our leaders so we can inspire our own team. I would like to give special mention to Sir Manny and Mam Shirley San Miguel who from the very beginning of our IMG Career had given us so much inspiration, encouragement and help. Help that does not even wait for any recompense… a true missionary couple.

We started with IMG in November of 2007 after attending Bro Bo’s Truly Rich Coaching Seminar. At the beginning we were merely interested on where we can invest and save the retirement money that Fely will get from her separation from Intel. We wanted to simply know how we will manage the lump sum Fely will receive. We did not consider, at least me personally the mission and more so the business side of IMG. After several months, with the help and coaching of Ms Ojing, we put up the Dasmarinas Cavite IMG Office as a mission area to bring the concepts to more people in Cavite. We practically spend more for the rentals than what we earn in the business. My business logical mind tells me, what are we doing? Why don’t we just invest the rental money and earn interests from it. We continue to do the IMG Mission and by November of 2008 Fely was promoted to MD and that’s about the same time we have started to consider more seriously the business side. Just the right timing as our heart for the IMG Mission has already grown and the income or commissions also started to come in. We continue to share the concepts to many people, from churches to schools to offices to homes. We were nonstop. We faced a lot of rejections and people doubted us but we persisted. Fely was full time while I was doing IMG Part Time.

Getting promoted to MD drained us a lot and we failed to focus in training new leaders in our team. We failed to duplicate ourselves and struggled once more as our team disappeared and practically left just the two of us. But, we firmly resolve to continue and by January of 2009, we decided to be both Full Time in IMG. There is no more turning back. We set our sights on building our team locally and off shore.

We reviewed our strategies and set up our team meetings and align our activities to the System Flow.

In 2010 we were able to promote two MDs and on 2011 we are looking forward to promote 6 more MDs one of whom already is on the approval loop. We are also looking forward to the approval of Fely’s Promotion to SMD and onward to NMD within the next two months. We are continuously striving hard to train, organize and build our team and creating more leaders MDs who will help us spread the mission.

We also have put serious efforts building long distance and off shore. We have teams in Dubai, Singapore, and now establishing our Thailand and Vietnam Mission Teams. With God’s help He shall complete what we have started!!!


One of our reasons doing the IMG Mission is to donate 5M by 2015 to Bro Bo’s Missions

How about you? What is your compelling reason? What is your emotional why you would do the IMG Mission? If you have not identified this yet, better do the 10 top reasons why you want to be successful doing IMG Business. Create your vision board. This is your anchor to the mission when the goings gets tough.


Identify your Passion. What do you like to do most? What makes you happy doing? This is where your passion lies. Check this out. See if it is something you are doing in IMG. My passion is to share my own experience, train and develop leaders. I find this happening with me in IMG and it makes me truly happy.

Check out your competence. Do you have competence you can put into good use in IMG. For some people it can be as simple as being a people person. Meaning, you have good interpersonal relationships. For me, my training and my experience hone my training skill which is something I put to good use in IMG. We do not possess the same competency. We possess varying degrees of competency in a particular skill. Knowing our competency or “kung saan tayo magaling” with the competency of others makes us more successful in IMG.

Develop yourself. Everything can be learned and learning can be from everything. We enhance our capabilities by listening and emulating from our leaders, our mentors our coach. We can hone our competency by reading books, and watching inspirational movies.


It is good to be in the MISSION but it will be best if you can enroll and bring others to the mission. The more people who joins you in the mission, the bigger your expected commission and the more missions you can do which in return brings you in more commissions. This is the true test of helping others. If you do not bring other families to the mission your success is just one half. You can only touch several people by yourself but can multiply that by having more people in your team. Train more missionaries. Duplicate yourself. Follow the System Flow on Duplication.


Our Mission is to make difference for families, to help build wealth for families. Our crusade is to share with people our financial concepts, so they can increase their cash flow, manage their debt, create emergency fund, provide proper protection for the family, build long term assets, and preserve their estate.

“Make a wish
Have a Dream
See the Vision
Live the Mission
Follow the System
Build a Team
Be Somebody”


In the beginning, yours are pure mission as you may even have to shell out your own money to do the mission or if you have any commission, it is less than what you need even for your own saving and protection. The more you do the mission, the higher your degree of commitment to the mission and the higher your commission will be.


There will be a lot of trials, rejections, denials, and sufferings ahead… Much like the Paschal Mystery of the Lord. But there is always an Easter Sunday to look forward too. Thus we just have to be true to our mission and be faithful with it. The easiest things to do is really just QUIT and leave the mission especially at the beginning. This is exactly why there is a need to be nonstop in the mission for people will come and go. We need to show by example our faithfulness to the mission. We have to persevere and have fidelity to our IMG Mission… “He who began the good work in me, will be faithful to complete it” Ph 1:6

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

True Riches Is Stored Not In Earthly Barns....

Early in life we are always trained to compete and be first and be better than others, be richer than your neighbor. A continuous "upmanship" versus others including your siblings. But this is not going to get us to "True Riches".

In the Gospel, Christ washes the feet of His Disciples. He is the Master, the Teacher, the Leader, and some even regard Him as their King and yet He removed His outer garments and started to wash the feet of His disciples. An act that is reserved to the lowest of the lowest class of servant in His time. He did it so that the Disciples would duplicate Him and do the same to others.

This is a revolutionary concept that baffled the disciples. Even the most vocal and considered as the apparent left hand man of Jesus got confused and refused to be washed. Their concept of leadership is still of this earth.

Much is the same with most people in regards to building wealth or being rich. We are bombarded through media that to be rich and famous means you have to have power, and you have to have money to lord over your subjects and peers. Our concept is to be better than others, to be higher and richer than others and making sure they do not overtake you or overpower your position and riches. A selfish pursuit of power and wealth. This is what most people take as a path and this wont lead them to True Riches.

True Riches is only achieved by serving others to be rich. By changing peoples lives, by leading them to the right way of saving and investing. But you have to start with yourself. Yes you start with yourself but not stop with yourself. You model the way to others. You have to start with yourself and then give back to God what is due Him. Then share with others starting with your family and friends how to accumulate true wealth. Unselfishly duplicating yourself and making others rich as well, even richer than yourself. In this way, you surely wont just accumulate riches you need in this world. You would be able to store not just riches in your earthly barns but for sure you are storing wealth in heaven.

In the company (IMG) we are in, this is our Mission.... we store True Riches!!! Join us!!! We are the Truly Rich Makers.

Register here:

God bless us all!!