Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Duplication... Perpetuates Your Being a Champion

How long would you like to hold on being a champion? Do you know that you can be a champion forever? Ask me how? Duplicate yourself so that you can perpetuate your champion status. The world continues because of duplication. Bro Bo in his latest book “How to Prosper” expounded the reason and wonder of duplication. It is Bro Bo’s ACTION 4 in aforementioned book p59-67.

But how do we successfully duplicate doing our IMG Mission? We just have to follow our System. In short we must be SYSTEM DRIVEN. Our Field Training and Meetings and Events are all geared towards making duplicates…. that are in compliance to a proven methodology or system. Just like Jollibee, that follows a certain system on how the facade of the outlet will look like, how the counter will be arranged, how the patties are prepared, how the crew are trained and dressed, these all follow a uniform rules and procedures or system. Systems make sure that the results will be repeatable and predictable. No System = “Tsamba” (Chance of Success), With System = Predictable and Repeatable Success…

In my experience as Training Manager for big electronics manufacturing companies, we train our people based on a uniform system and procedures we call Specifications and this is done all over the factory and all over the world where we have factories. This ensures that a proven system is duplicated and implemented all over to guarantee the same quality of our end product. Same in IMG, to guarantee success and create champions, we must adhere and be driven by the system.

I had gone out to the field and got trained on how to arrange meetings, BMPs (Bring Meeting to the People) and how to conduct one. Then, we also got trained how to conduct BPM (Bring People to the Meeting). This is our system of duplication which we had passed on to our duplicates and who in turn pass on to their own duplicates, thus making us rapidly do the duplication process, and in turn guarantee that duplication gets perpetuated. And when the duplication is done according to the SYSTEM then, achieving success is predictable and guaranteed.

This brings us to the next thing we need to do in our Mission in IMG which is to Duplicate Deep and WideWhat does that exactly mean? It simply means that we must ensure that people whom we take in as direct business partners are our exact duplicates and the business partners they have are also their exact copies. If we make a mistake in the setting up of our first business partner, the mistake is duplicated and magnified to the next copies. Just like in actual photocopying. If the master copy is not clear, all other copies becomes unclear and degrades further down. And, again, you can only ensure you have proper duplication if it is based on a system.

And how do we do this? We need to make sure that we develop, guide and coach our direct business partners as well as find time to assist and check how they train their directs also. We also need to ensure that we check on the training materials being used if it is in compliance with the system. It is not so much of the way it is presented, but is more of what is being presented. Build wide is to have many direct copies. Build deep is to have more copies of your direct copies… That way, multiplication and compounding works to your advantage.

What are we duplicating? Ask me what? … We would like people to duplicate us…our journey towards financial freedom, our change life… That is our MISSION…. So to make sure we become real Champions in the eyes of men and the eyes of God, we must make sure we really change people’s lives starting with ourselves. We have to focus on that MISSION.

I read this story about St. Anthony the Great (The Patron Saint of all Monks). One time in the life of this great saint he got a notice that people are about to visit him who lived by words and arguments. They wanted to hear his words and his arguments on the truth of Christianity and the value of asceticism. But he refused to play their game. He told them that if they truly thought him wise, "If you think me wise, become what I am, for we ought to imitate the good. Had I gone to you, I should have imitated you, but, since you have come to me, become what I am, for I am a Christian."

The lesson I learn from this great saint is that, it is not so much of the intellect and words that really matters, it is what we do and who we are or what we have become that needs to be duplicated. And this is what we must focus on…Become what we preach and then have ourselves duplicated. Become financially free and create people, convert people, transform people to become financially independent too. That’s our focus in duplication.

Finally, the last thing I believe we need to make sure we do to ensure we are indeed true champions is to make sure we Stay CONNECTED and Updated… Kodak, the largest photo film maker in the whole world collapsed after 135 years of existence. Why did this happen? You want to know my simple theory about it? They failed to connect and ride on the changes that were swiftly happening. They were not able to connect and update to the digitized world of photography and they perished.

The lesson here is to stay as champions, we got to be forward looking and always updated. In our System getting updated means having the Meeting Mentality. For it is in the meetings that we stay connected and updated. What meetings do we have to attend? In our IMG Mission, just like our church mission, we have to make sure we always go to church regularly to get refreshed and refocused. Just like an operating system, you have to get updated so you can cope up with the latest. Imagine your computer OS still un-updated to at least Windows 7, wow…there are a lot of applications that won’t run in your computer. You got to stay connected or face the consequence of being obsolete…..

You see, duplication of obsoletes leads to naught…. Thus duplication that is for real champions is not mere copying. Duplication is “copying in motion”. What I mean by that is , the master copy is continually improved, and the copies are revised. And to be one or two steps ahead of competition, we have to connect not just with what is now, but what is ahead.

Let’s go back to Manny Pacquiao our undisputed champion of champions. His style of boxing, and his techniques are not the same when he started to box. He has continually improved and upgraded his skills that enabled him to beat champions on the next heavier weight divisions. He did not update his skills on his current weight divisions and challengers but on the next higher weight division…what was ahead of him.

Much the same way with us in this IMG Mission. We have to continually update and upgrade our knowledge and skills by attending continuing education and seminar, attending convention and meetings, and making sure that we are updated. Then we need to upgrade our skills and capabilities on what is now and what lies ahead. In our team, that is what we do. We are always on the go to be one to two steps ahead of the rest. We use technology and the multi-media to our best advantage. Then, to ensure success, we have to make sure the rest of our team are also updated and upgraded.

You want to be Champion Forever? DUPLICATE..Duplicate by adhering to the system, doing it deep and wide, always guided and focused on the mission and do it at least one step ahead.

God bless us all, and God bless our mission!!!

PS: Watch out for my next blog about 3D’s of Investing….3D's one must have in INVESTING: Direction, Diversification, Discipline....DIRECTION- You got to know what you are getting into by having somebody coach you or direct you or better yet, you yourself study and learn so you can direct yourself... DIVERSIFICATION- then you need to make sure you do not put all your eggs in one have to make sure you have proper allocations for each of the important financial goals with appropriate financial instruments... DISCIPLINE - and to be successful, you must do it consistently with the right mindset and attitude of a disciplined investor... and to make it more meaningful and enforced, get someone or many others to emulate what you do!- Richbenj.Santiago