Thursday, December 17, 2009

Practical Gift!

Christmas is time for giving and loving. Giving something material and yet practical is our current challenge this season of giving. Especially if you are attuned to the financial situations of people around you.

Many Christmases passed and I'm sure you have received one of these gifts: Fruit Cake, Towels (all sizes) , Photo Album, Bottle of Wine... (I see you nodding your head in agreement), Diary, Book, and many more. These are beautiful gifts as they are given with love. And I too received or had given such gifts.

Many of us received so much of these gifts that we even have to pass it on as gift to our family and friends. Recycled gifts, that is what we can call them , right?

But in our assessment of today's situation, we find the best gift would simply be Cash Gifts or Gift Checks. This way, you eliminate the added cost of wrappings, eliminating also so much thrash, and we also eliminate cost of transportation from going to and from a mall to buy our gifts. Some of us even go to Divisoria to buy inexpensive gifts, not considering the cost of going there plus the hassle of squeezing your way to multitudes of people.

Give something practical, something the people you'll give it can use, something from the heart, and Cash or Gift Checks are my recommendation this Christmas!

God bless!

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