Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Check Your New Year's Family Plans!

Christmas is officially over and so is the commitment and resolve to pursue your newly defined resolutions and plans for this year. Am I right?

Some families even had their Annual Planning which involve several facets of life: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, Relational, and Financial. And yet, by now, they are almost forgotten. I hope not...

We, my wife and my children had our own planning last January 1 and we listed up our individual dreams and goals for the year. And we already posted it in our dream board. We still have to type it in to have a much clearer and more legible copy than those we scribbled during our planning workshop.

But I can tell you, I wont remember them all if I wont review them, if I wont check them out again.

How about you, have you done your review or did not even bother to come up with a plan?

If we fail to plan, it's like planning to fail. While even if we plan but we do not review them regularly, it's like having no plans.

Got the message...check your plans now.

God bless!

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