Thursday, March 17, 2011

Earthquake and Tsunami did not stop our Thailand Mission

A double whammy hit Japan! Earthquakes shook and topple structures and caused Tsunami that delivered the second blow which destroyed and practically wiped out one town in Japan. We watched this grim reality unfolding on the TV screen on the second day of our Mission in Thailand to spread Financial Literacy. We see massive destruction, and enormous difficulty of hundreds of thousands of people, probably even millions in spite of them being the most prepared country in the world!

This event unfolding in our midst while we were away from our own home and family made us further resolute in our mission to spread financial literacy among our fellow Filipinos to prepare them from a similar double whammy in their financial life.

The Mission had been organized through the efforts of Rachel Jane Dolido ; a school teacher in one of Thailand’s private schools. She is graciously supported by Fr. John Tamayo-SDB ; Parish Priest of Mary Help of Christian at Krungthep Kritha (pronounced with silent R and very nasal), and Maria VonRufli. We were with Nancy Martin ; one of our Marketing Directors, and Menchie Castro an Associate. We had our Seminars given for free on 3 different venues. One in Fr. John’s Parish, another in the UN Office in Thailand, and on Maria’s place.

Every day in our mission was a grace filled day! We had the opportunity to hear mass every single day. Though the language was in Thai, we understood the flow, and commune with the Lord. We also enjoyed the hot and spicy and tasty flavors of Thai food, soups, and desserts. We were given very comfortable accommodations on the Parish complete with kitchen and meeting area. Basic needs all provided for by Maria our generous host, and Fr. John our new found spiritual guide and mentor.

But what make this Mission extra special are the people we met. We really thank and praise God for Fr. John Tamayo. I see Jesus in him! He makes me proud I am a Catholic. He has countless stories to tell how good God is , and how he was used by Him. He has graciously offered his parish guest house for us. We also thank God for Maria who has shown us how to love others without condition. I see in her, our Mother Mary for she is very prayerful and always invoke the Holy Will of God in everything she says and do. She took care of our needs, and even added a bonus; an authentic Thai Massage to cap our activities. We were really blessed to be welcomed by Fr. John and Maria at the airport. It’s so nice a coincidence… Maria and John: the Mother, and Most Beloved of Jesus!

We also met with Babie Muangsiri who hosted our seminar at the UN. She has been in Thailand for more than 20 years and has been employed with UNHRC. A wonderful woman inside and out. She continues to help her family here in the Philippines.

The Filipino expatriates we met were hungry for financial literacy and how to actually execute it. Some of them are facing their own financial earthquake and tsunami so to speak. A majority of them have extended family needs here in the Philippines which they also support. Mostly teachers in various schools there in Thailand. We opened their minds to our prosperity formula Income- Tithes (10%) – Savings (20%) = Expenses (70%). We also showed them investment opportunities to enable them to achieve their financial goals and transform themselves from active income earners to passive income earners. Likened to building a house to withstand big earthquake, we showed them the proper way of building a solid financial foundation that can withstand any eventuality. Even a double whammy like major hospitalization and worse even death of the bread winner can be prepared for. We performed financial check up and coached them to come up with their own personal financial plans so that neither financial earthquake nor tsunami can topple them down.

We felt very good and blessed as we are doing this for Him who provided us with all our provisions and made this mission possible! To God be the glory forever!

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