Wednesday, April 20, 2011

True Riches Is Stored Not In Earthly Barns....

Early in life we are always trained to compete and be first and be better than others, be richer than your neighbor. A continuous "upmanship" versus others including your siblings. But this is not going to get us to "True Riches".

In the Gospel, Christ washes the feet of His Disciples. He is the Master, the Teacher, the Leader, and some even regard Him as their King and yet He removed His outer garments and started to wash the feet of His disciples. An act that is reserved to the lowest of the lowest class of servant in His time. He did it so that the Disciples would duplicate Him and do the same to others.

This is a revolutionary concept that baffled the disciples. Even the most vocal and considered as the apparent left hand man of Jesus got confused and refused to be washed. Their concept of leadership is still of this earth.

Much is the same with most people in regards to building wealth or being rich. We are bombarded through media that to be rich and famous means you have to have power, and you have to have money to lord over your subjects and peers. Our concept is to be better than others, to be higher and richer than others and making sure they do not overtake you or overpower your position and riches. A selfish pursuit of power and wealth. This is what most people take as a path and this wont lead them to True Riches.

True Riches is only achieved by serving others to be rich. By changing peoples lives, by leading them to the right way of saving and investing. But you have to start with yourself. Yes you start with yourself but not stop with yourself. You model the way to others. You have to start with yourself and then give back to God what is due Him. Then share with others starting with your family and friends how to accumulate true wealth. Unselfishly duplicating yourself and making others rich as well, even richer than yourself. In this way, you surely wont just accumulate riches you need in this world. You would be able to store not just riches in your earthly barns but for sure you are storing wealth in heaven.

In the company (IMG) we are in, this is our Mission.... we store True Riches!!! Join us!!! We are the Truly Rich Makers.

Register here:

God bless us all!!

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