Saturday, May 21, 2011

To "Buffet or Not To Buffet" What is Best For Us?

In my latest blog on I quoted a blog I had read about the validity of the "Buffet Method of Investing". I also talked about the latest strategy of Bro Bo which combines the proven methodology of Money Cost Averaging and the aggressive way of Day Trading.

We can take the best of these two worlds and combine them together. But one thing is certain, we must ensure that in any of these two or combination of both, we must ensure we get all pertinent information on the trends of what we are investing. If the stock pick you have is trading well within the boundaries of the max-max and min-min or what connect the most number of maximum share values for max-max and the minimum share values for min-min or in technical terms the thresholds, then this is a good candidate for Money Cost Averaging. Otherwise, it is good for Day Trading. When to get in and out, requires you to monitor status so that you can watch and see the trends which will be the basis for your decision to buy or sell.

Well, if you don't have the technical know-how, nor the time, go for the proven method. Better yet, just invest on Mutual Funds and let the Fund Managers do the monitoring , analysis and movements of your positions.

If you are into Mutual Funds, you just need to consistently invest. In other words do the "Buffet Method" of not timing the market, but just be disciplined in your investing.

Need more guidance? Just email me at

God bless!

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