Saturday, August 25, 2012

Take Charge...

As a child we are all dependent from our parents. When we started to learn how to walk and talk, we started our journey to our independence. We started to take charge on what we want to drink, eat, and even what to wear.

Same with IMG Business. We are nurtured and trained by our Trainers in the beginning and then we eventually we must take charge.

So how do we know we are already taking charge?

See p 300-301 of the System Builder Book. Be guided too by this experience we have:

“Be Independent Towards Financial Independence”

  • Commit to your Business
  • Hire yourself as a SHEPHERD
  • Aggressively pursue your goals (B &P- Top Ten Reasons)
  • Read and Review and FOLLOW the System
  • Go to the meetings and training sessions
  • Enjoy and PASS-ON the process

By Benj Santiago


So the first thing Fely and I did was to commit seriously to this IMG Business. We erased all the previous notions and prejudice about IMG. This includes our initial thought that IMG is another one of those multilevel marketing, pyramiding scheme. We committed 110% of our efforts and time and resources to this IMG Business.


Then we formed our team and hired ourselves not as President CEO but as a Shepherd. In the corporate set-up, there is too much pressure. One must meet certain job load quota, or in sales, a target number of sales.. But in IMG Business, we coach people to be successful in their own business, and in as much as it is their own business, we do not boss around and dictate, manage, or supervise people on how to do their business. We are like shepherds taking care of the flock... not a land owner driving slaves what to do.


The team created a strategic plan for the next 5 years how we would see the business. We also defined together the near term goals for each one of us. More importantly we defined our top ten reasons why we want to be successful in our business. These compelling reasons are our inspiration to hurdle any difficulties, rejections, and hurt we encounter along the way. We defined actions to aggressively pursue these goals. We visualize and act on it.


With the business manual provided to us (System Builder), all we did was to read and learn and follow the system. We attended the coaching and training in doing our own financial management and investing and listened and did what our head coach (Xuan and Noel and Joen) had shared to us. We followed the system. Then Fely and I downloaded this to the team using the available technologies.


Fely and I never missed any opportunity to learn from our coaches in IMG. We absorb as much as we can, relate it to our own experience and innovate for improvements. We also made sure we create our own meetings and relay what we learn to our team.


Duplication is the key to making our business in IMG big. We have to duplicate our successes to our team. Attending the meeting and creating our own meeting gave us the opportunity to pass on our learning to our team. And to keep us going, we focus on the positive. We enjoy the process. We noticed that if we pressure ourselves in getting to our goals, the more it goes further from reality. But when we focus on the positive, if we enjoy the process then we achieve what we set as goals.

We are so thankful to the Lord for what we have so far accomplished in this business and would like to be of help to more people to attain their success too.

Email us or send us comments or inquiries and we will be more than happy to serve you and enable you to take charge of your IMG business!

God bless us all!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The last D in Investing: Discipline

We may have the literacy but if we do not have the Discipline we won't be successful in investing. The execution in consistent monthly investing specially in the beginning is the major challenge we face. Fely and I had to re-program ourselves from the habit of spending to the habit of investing. We find it so easy to spend but so difficult to invest. I have seen the same struggle for most specially the young professionals who have just started with their career and had their first taste of having income.

Discipline is something Fely and I have to personally develop. This is not something that can be taught nor be coached. It must come from within. And we were able to develop this habit of investing by consistently investing monthly until the habit is formed, and investing became automatically a discipline.

Happy Investing.

God bless us all!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


With the Directions defined we need to make sure we diversify. We must not place our investments in just one vehicle. The proverbial saying: "do not put your eggs in one basket". Our next step is to find appropriate investment vehicles for each of our goals. Fely and I classified our goals first into short term, medium term and long term. Short term are goals within one year, medium term is about 5 years and more than that we consider long term.

We then allocated amounts for each of the goals we set. For example, we saw the need for long term healthcare. We then calculated based on our current need how much we will be needing 15 years from now. We also calculated how much daily, monthly, annual expenses we will have based on our desired lifestyle 10 years from now. We factor in a 7% inflation rate to make our goals more aggressive. We did this calculations for each of our major investment goals.

Then we selected the appropriate investment vehicles for each of our need. We use short term investment instruments for short term goal and long term investment instruments for long term goals. By this process alone, we already have diversified our investments. We have placed our investments in different investment vehicles appropriate for the term we will use it and risk return factors.

This is the beauty of having literacy. We know what instruments we can use for each of our investment needs. We encourage those who just invest on one instrument like real state, or even on gold, or cars, or what they just know as investment to make sure they seek out directions from those who are in the know and who have genuine intention in helping them properly manage their investments.

Contact us if you need to know how to diversify safely and appropriately so you can achieve your goals.....

God bless!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Direction in Investing

The first of the 3D: Direction

I like comparing investing or growing money to going to Baguio. Baguio is the destination, but there are many ways and many vehicles to use to get there. But certainly, the only way you can get there is if you have the right direction. If you are in Manila and going to Baguio, you should travel to the direction generally northwards. Even if you ride a plane which could get you there, if you veer towards the south, you wont get there. I believe you got the point.

So the first thing we did was to define our investment direction. And by direction, my true compass tells me I must define my purpose for investing. Fely and I were doing investing in the past but it was definitely directionless. "Masabi lang na may investment" (just to have the esteem of being an investor). We buy properties, invest on stocks both local and abroad, and we buy things we thought is investing. We invested on business we do not even know.

Now, we know better for we have great coaches. We defined how much and when and what for do we invest for. Example of this is to have our long term healthcare protection of 1.2M Php by 2022 for the whole family. Another is to have 200K Php per month investment income generation by 2017.

To get to our desired destination, we got to have someone direct us to it. The best person will be someone who had been there. We can get to our destination by ourselves, but we may get lost somewhere. It is going to be easier, and less costly, and you can guarantee success if you have someone to direct your steps.

You want to learn more about us for coaching...We will surely help you define your own Investment Direction...

God Bless!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

3D in Investing...

It's been a long while since I promised to share on this blogspot about 3D’s of Investing….3D's that Fely and I have in INVESTING: Direction, Diversification, Discipline....

DIRECTION- We learned what we are getting into by having somebody coach us or direct, then we ourselves studied and learn so we can direct ourselves... 

DIVERSIFICATION- then Fely and I made sure we do not put all your eggs in one basket...we have made sure we have proper allocations for each of the important financial goals with appropriate financial instruments... 

DISCIPLINE - and to be successful, we must do it consistently with the right mindset and attitude of a disciplined investor... and to make it more meaningful and enforced, we went on a mission to share what we do to someone or many others to duplicate or emulate what we do!

This is what we learned and continually do in IMG !....

We invite you to do the SAME.

And the best thing is that if you do it with IMG, you can DO IT ON LINE and with ZERO LOAD FEE! In other words, you don't pay any ENTRY FEE!

Join us. Register HERE: Automatically you enjoy a starting INVESTMENT of 1000 pesos in SOLDIVO FUNDS. On top of that you enjoy AMAZING BENEFITS.

Email me at for more information and training.