Tuesday, August 14, 2012

3D in Investing...

It's been a long while since I promised to share on this blogspot about 3D’s of Investing….3D's that Fely and I have in INVESTING: Direction, Diversification, Discipline....

DIRECTION- We learned what we are getting into by having somebody coach us or direct, then we ourselves studied and learn so we can direct ourselves... 

DIVERSIFICATION- then Fely and I made sure we do not put all your eggs in one basket...we have made sure we have proper allocations for each of the important financial goals with appropriate financial instruments... 

DISCIPLINE - and to be successful, we must do it consistently with the right mindset and attitude of a disciplined investor... and to make it more meaningful and enforced, we went on a mission to share what we do to someone or many others to duplicate or emulate what we do!

This is what we learned and continually do in IMG !....

We invite you to do the SAME.

And the best thing is that if you do it with IMG, you can DO IT ON LINE and with ZERO LOAD FEE! In other words, you don't pay any ENTRY FEE!

Join us. Register HERE: http://6020hf.imgcorp.com. Automatically you enjoy a starting INVESTMENT of 1000 pesos in SOLDIVO FUNDS. On top of that you enjoy AMAZING BENEFITS.

Email me at richbenj.santiago@gmail.com for more information and training.

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