Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Check List to Build Yourself and Your IMG Business (updated)

IMG is like a UNIVERSITY. I think it is more appropriate to name it as A Graduate School for Business. You just follow the Prospectus like we did. 

You can take it multiple times, without paying again. And all it will cost you is less than what you pay as IMG Member  (5500 , except for CONVENTIONS). There are no pre requisites and you can take it multiple time without paying additional tuition fees. It is continuous, and never ends.  The gains and benefits and the revenue you can generate if you put into use what you learned will be in Millions!

I am privileged to have attended the MBA Courses, MS Management Engineering,  Diploma Course on Organization Development. I know it is expensive and I put a lot of efforts and time to finish it. Some I did, most of the courses I failed to finish. I have to make sure I passed the pre requisites before I move to the next subject. If I fail, I have to pay again. It cost me a lot of money which can be in Millions in today's value or money. How much did I benefit from the courses I attended? I would say, less than what I paid the courses. Oh, that may sound controversial and I may get some negative reactions from the PhDs and MBAs among my friends in FB, but, I stand on my own experience. 

What did I gain from attending and paying tuition fees for my Graduate Studies? What about the gains I has attending the "IMG University"? They are day and night in comparison. In IMG I was able to generate multi millions in revenues, traveled the World for FREE as frequent as once to twice per year, got to be awarded 2 SUVs, and most importantly, I was able to help 40,893 People get educated financially and  change their financial life! Incomparable with what my courses in Graduate Schools enabled me to do in my Corporate Career.

I believe not all of us see the value of IMG Training and Events. But, all of us are given the same opportunity and capabilities as we attend our IMG Training and events, which can lead us to build ourselves, our team, and our Business.

Thus, I encourage you to do your Checklist done based on the Listing Above. Treat it like you will treat the PROSPECTUS of an IMG Business Course. These are the pathway we have gone through in IMG! It is proven to give us the amazing rewards we reap today. It is continuous, never ends, but very fulfilling process.

I have a SURPRISE for you! You  have  FOUR GIFTS  if you reach this far in reading this:




4. My eBook on IMG Business: Simple Clear Doable

Benj Santiago


1 comment:

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