Thursday, January 20, 2022

From Career to Mission.. CPA to Financial Educator


Are you currently laboring yourself in a JOB? Well, you and I would normally have the same  mindset of getting a college degree and land a good job and live happily ever after. :) Tama ba? 

There is actually nothing wrong with getting a job. But that is not enough action to take. We need to "fire all our cylinders" so to speak as shared by one of my favorite mentor: Rex Ma. Mendoza.

And one couple we met exactly did that. They joined the Truly Rich Makers and did the IMG Mission and Business as Financial Educators. Jerry was employed as an Accounting Manager in one of the big firms in the Philippines. Eventually Jerry fired his boss :) and focused his life in Financial Education.

Watch and Learn and be Inspired with their story. Share and Subscribe to get more updated videos.

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Benj Santiago

Truly Rich Makers

Head Coach and Founder

Author of Debt Destroyers


PS:Check this too for more details:


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1 comment:

  1. Thank you all for being God's channel of love!

