Sunday, February 26, 2023

Trapped in a Rat Race?

Have you ever realize you are TRAPPED?

There are two TRAPS that I went into. The first one is my JOB. The more serious trap was my CREDIT CARD DEBTS!

I am really glad I was able to be set free through IMG. I learn the Strategies to get out of my 7 Figure Credit Card Debts. We were able to be in BUSINESS that generates for us amazing INCOME ( Active and PASSIVE)! This set us FREE! 

Check this : IJuander YouTube

This is what Robert Kiyosaki has to say ...“Have you ever felt trapped?


I have. It felt like I was suffocating.


My poor dad was not trying to hurt me, but he was pushing an outdated, destructive model of life on me. He had unintentionally caged me.


He had impressed on my mind and my soul that school was the only way forward in life. I was not good at school at all. But that was not why I felt trapped.


I felt like I was going to become as unhappy as my father. Poor and anguished. Feeling like he needed to do more but couldn’t.


Have you felt that way?


If I did not change my direction, I would be trapped forever too.


Thankfully I had rich dad. He was free. Not just financially but mentally.

He opened the trap and I walked right through that door.


I write to open your trap, but you have to walk through the door.

It takes knowledge and action to break free.

Free yourself,”

Robert Kiyosaki

Yes you can with IMG. Join us NOW. You can start to break free by enrolling in our FREE FINANCIAL COACHING SESSION. You can register here

Check also the concepts we learned

Be set FREE from your TRAP!

Benj Santiago

Truly Rich Makers

Founder and Head Coach

Author of Debt Destroyers

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