Sunday, September 27, 2009

Metro Manila Hit by Flooding- Emergency Funds and Protection

Broadcast Media and Broadsheets has splashed the devastation Ondoy brought to Metro Manila, Rizal Provinces and NCR. Many got caught flat footed and not prepared or ill prepared at the least .

One of our members, Kaye Soriano got stranded in QC for a day . Her car was engulfed by the floods. She was with another IMG Member Flash with his wife Diane Obejero. They attended a birthday celebration.

This phenomenon blamed by some to climate change is a perfect twist in life that we got to be prepared for.

Surely the cars, properties, and life lost and damaged by the flooding will be mitigated if all were properly insured.

For those who sustained manageable damage, this is where Emergency Funds can kick in.

Thus, we indeed need to be always fully prepared by having ample insurance protection, and enough emergency funds.

This is what we preach and do in IMG for we'll never know what will happen next.

Praise God those of us who were spared. Praise God those of us who are prepared!

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