Monday, September 14, 2009

Plan to INVEST- Second Step

Education is a pre-requisite to informed and intelligent investing.

Get this from competent individuals and or investment companies. We can recommend Citisec On Line (COL), Rampver Strategic Advisers, IMG for this. We can personally help you out.

Let's now proceed with our second step: Define your Investment Goals.

Investment Goals are expressed also in amount and time and purpose. For example, you want to invest money to go on a Marian Pilgrimage by 2010 October and your investment period start this month. So you exactly know you have 13 months to go, and the cost of the tour is about 200K per person.

If you are thinking 13 months, this is still on the short term.

Another example is investing for your retirement. If you are 35 years of age and you want to retire when you are 50 and your target is 5 Million, you have 15 years to do it. This can be considered as long term investing.

Define all your purposes or reasons to invest and plug in how much you will need by what date. Go back to your goals.

Next step is to define where you will invest your money on the next blog...

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