Monday, July 5, 2010

First Half 2010 Performance of Mutual Funds

Sharing 1st half performance of Mutual Funds...Most of what we carry in IMG are in the top list (First Metro, Philam Bond Funds Philequity Funds)...If you invested P100K in January in First Metro Save & learn Equity fund, your money would have been P123K end of June! That's 23% return!

How much is the return of your money in the bank??? You wont even earn more than 500Php.

Of course it's not always like this year after year..But on the average, MUTUAL FUNDS return has been between 15-18%% which is way above 12% that we use in our trainings. It comes as a surprise to a lot of people because they don't know that there are indeed a MUTUAL FUND investment vehicles giving 12% return.. mine was 30% last year and 16% for the first half!

The key though is regular, disciplined approach to investing in STOCKS and MUTUAL FUNDS to maximize the return of your money..but how can you do it if your monthly cash flow is not enough? That's where the IMG business opportunity comes in! By doing the IMG business -- which is sharing financial literacy and applying it (education plus application) -- you have the potential of earning extra income that you can invest into MUTUAL FUNDS and STOCKS!

Look how much your money will be if you invest P5000 and P10000 in MUTUAL FUNDS or STOCKS at 18% return for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 years! It's P70M after 30 yrs for P5000 monthly investment and P141M after 30 yrs for P10000 monthly investment! You CAN DO it if you do the IMG business! Just spread JOS (Join-Own-Share)!

10Y 15Y 20Y 25Y 30Y
5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
18% 18% 18% 18% 18%
120 180 240 300 360
1.65M 4.53M 11.5M 28.7M 70.6M

10000 10000 10000 10000 10000
18% 18% 18% 18% 18%
120 180 240 300 360
3.31M 9.06M 23.1M 57.4M 141.1M

This is the secret to BUILDING WEALTH..Disciplined approach to investing! PAY YOURSELF FIRST every month when you receive your paycheck...Invest..invest..invest... into MUTUAL FUNDS and STOCKS...

Maximize your IMG membership..You are already your own broker/dealer. Continue to educate yourself and apply it through our product providers. Get the commission and reinvest it!

If you want to know more...drop me an email or respond to this blog and will gladly be of assistance to your needs.

God bless!

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