Friday, July 16, 2010

Don’t Be An Army of One

Here is one reason why we build teams in IMG to be able to harness the full potential of our million peso business...

This one is again from T Harv Ecker, a well known author of the Millionaire's Mind... Read on...

"Can you make it on your own in business, and be outrageously successful? Heck yeah! Don’t let anybody tell you any different.

You get so much more done with teams, though, and the more people getting more done, the more fun it’s going to be. How fun would it be to play volleyball when it’s two of you against five people on the other side? What if you could have as many people on your side as possible if the rules allowed it? Would you do it?

In sports, there are strict rules to follow in terms of how many people are allowed on your team, on the field, or on the disabled list. In business, you can team up or manage or contract as many people as you see fit. For goodness sake, why would you want to go at riches alone?

Again, you can make it on your own. I made it on my own. The only distinction is to what level you can get rich on your own? In my experience, you can get a little past mediocrity and that’s about it. I’ve tried it several different ways, and trust me, putting a team together—especially as far as my own staff—is not my favorite thing in the world. But when it comes to what’s easier, it’s not even close.

If you want to get rich you will need help. You will need support. It’s a matter of energy. A lot of money takes a lot of energy! Will the wealth you want take the energy of one person, five, or 10, or 50 people?

At the beginning there’s a good chance you’ll have to do most everything yourself. However, the intention is not to just create a short term working income. The intention is for you to … say it with me … create passive income and increase the value and worth of your company!

Therefore you literally have no choice but to bring on people so the business can work without you and grow to its fullest potential.

I hear it all the time; a single business owner will say that they’re not sure that they can afford to hire an administrative assistant. Really? Once you’re up and running and have a little bit of a sales system going, you cannot afford not to hire one.

The idea is to use your strengths and delegate your weaknesses to someone else who is strong in that area. If you are handling the administration of the company and you could hand it off to somebody else—and double the time you have for marketing—what would that do to your bottom line? Even if you’re not the best at marketing and sales, lending a hand and focusing on getting and motivating the people who are good at it can make a big difference too.

Now it’s your turn! Tell me your stories of the power of having a great team, and what it’s meant to your energy level if not your bottom line. Next week we’ll talk further about the role of team in building a financial bank machine for your future convenience!" by: T Harv Ecker

In IMG, this is precisely what we teach and what we want our associates to achieve. Work with people, build teams so you can earn big money which in turn you can invest back to MUTUAL FUNDS and STOCKS which in turn would earn money you can again invest back to MUTUAL FUNDS and STOCKS.. in short build teams so you can earn big and create "automatic money machines" from the power of the team and not just one single person YOU... God bless!

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