Sunday, August 1, 2010

Give Your All for a BIG Return!

Last Sunday , Bro Bo started a new series which he aptly entitled T3: Talents , Treasure and Time.

He challenges us to give our all on this T3. I find it really inspiring and really compels me to give my 110% in all that I do. I look back a the times I have given my more than 100% and the results indeed are super.

And you know what? It applies to all aspects of our life. Be it our personal relationships, our job, our business, and our relationship with the LORD our God! .

The principle of giving , and the secret to abundance is the mindset of abundance and trust in the Lord. If we give, we create a vacuum, a space that will allow the Lord our God Almighty to fill up with His better and bigger blessings.

To who we should give first? Of course give the best part of our harvest first to the LORD who supplies all things... He actually do not need anything from us. He is just allowing us to open our hearts and palms as we give to receive more blessings from Him that all blessings come from.

Then we give to ourselves. We must reward ourselves first at least 20% of our "harvest", of what we earned. And we invest this to earn more by putting it into MUTUAL FUNDS, or STOCKS.

In the aspect of relationships , especially with my wife, it is really the secret formula to keep the marriage in super dooper condition for it will always be 100% complete even if one fails to give because both of us will be giving our 100% and there will always be a reserve in case one of us fails to contribute our 100%. "Ang galing"!

In our IMG business, giving our all means really going out, and be bold and strong in our proclamation of the good news in financial matters. We need to break the barriers of fear and disbelief in investing that plagued so many people. Filipinos in particular need to be moved and shaken to invest into MUTUAL FUNDS and STOCKS.

We indeed can be super rich in this endeavor both here on earth as it is in heaven... for we will be able to have more commissions which in turn we can use to help more people especially in Bro Bo's ministries.

Let's give our all and expect BIG Returns!

God bless us all!


  1. Great view on giving. Yup! When you give, you create space to receive.

  2. Yup yup yup...and it is not just a space...It is actually a VACUUM which suck in not just replacements of what you have given but a more beautiful and higher value replacements.... as it will come from GOD! Siksik... liglig ...umaapaw!
