Monday, July 30, 2012


Bo Sanchez
How to be Remarkable

"Many changes has happened all around us that before, to be remarkable you need just advertising. You simply invent a product that people want, make a big media advertisement, and you can make big money! But now, advertising alone no longer work. It is too noisy. Instead, people are trusting their friends for advise. Not so much the advertisements. The problem today is that there are too much noise and people are too busy. So what should we do to be remarkable?

So are our business remarkable of invisible? So remarkable that marketing is the product itself.

The opposite of remarkable is very good. A little bit better and a little bit cheaper is boring! You have to strive to be remarkable. And the key to becoming remarkable:

You must design a product that is remarkable enough to attract the early adapters.

Find out what is your "otaku" (obsession). Unless you have passion for your product it will be difficult to make it remarkable.

Focus on your "sneezers" and ignore the rest.

Being safe is risky because safe is boring.

If you are not being criticized then you are not remarkable.

What was remarkable before is no longer remarkable now. The price of wow keeps on rising.

Focus on relationships. Relationships lasts... products don't. Establish your relationships with your innovators and early "adaptors".

When you harvest make sure you save seeds for your next planting.

While your product is remarkable, earn as much as you can. Because it wont last. And put your earnings in R&D for the next remarkable product."

These qualities of being remarkable I find in IMG.... whoooosh!!!!

Join us NOW!

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