Monday, July 30, 2012

The ABCs of Successful Business!

"If you want to succeed in business you need to know and be the A B C.

A-ction Oriented
B- old
C- reative"

Dean Pax Lapid

"ACTION ORIENTED- In business there are also 3S: Struggle, Success, Significance. In your Struggles there are "3S" you need to do. Seeking Opportunity, Sizing it, and Seizing it.

Wannabees are wanting they do not move but just dream or wish. Entreps are committed. They ACT.

Challenge question: is luck necessary to succeed in business? Not really. What are needed are PREPAREDNESS and OPPORTUNITY.

Kaplan Norton recommends that we Describe, Measure or Manage, and Multiply business to be successful. (Exactly what we do in IMG)

Stages in business building: create business idea, do the business plans, do product development , and finally market testing before the commercialization.

In marketing, we must retain customers, create new ones, and create a niche.

3 Questions:
Who are you as the venture? Describe. Ex. Rice topping serving hospitals
What is your promise? To be the best and healthiest
How will you deliver? Not just about being cheap or fast.

BOLD- thinks beyond the comfort zone. Consistently sustainable. Entrepreneurs expand the market. From restaurant business to food service to hospital industry. Entrepreneurs identify models that will make more money..

The supply chain: Producers> Warehouse> Distribution> Wholesaler Traders> Retailer
You identify which part of the chain you will be in.

Be Bold- prepared and committed.

CREATIVE in PRODUCT AND MARKET- Entrepreneurs see the extraordinary in the middle of the ordinary. Creative challenge moves from perspiration to inspiration. From competence to serendipity (accidental discovery).

Entreps turn irritation to business opportunity. From "inis to business". Ex. Smoke and dust from riding jeeps led to business of vans.

Great challenge- successful business opportunity.

Only when it is anchored on a product or services that creates value for its customers. The greater fit, the greater the value.

What are the opportunity areas:
Changes in environment. Climate change. Going green.
Someone's problems
Better than copy

Nothing is perfect everything is evolving. So grab opportunity when you are semi ready.

It is not about timing but of direction."

Today in the midst of a Pandemic, these ABCs , IMG has ACTED and is Prepared to make the Adaptive changes ahead of the actual need. We had been in the ONLINE Business even before the Pandemic struck. And our products continuous to be the "needs" and the "solution" to problems of many. We are lucky and prepared!

Join us NOW!

Register here for more information

Benj Santiago


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