Saturday, June 13, 2020


What is the 11th COMMANDMENT? Any guess? The ANSWER: BUILD A BIG BASESHOP!!!

In IMG you START as an ASSOCIATE and thus become part of a BASESHOP. Then When You become an SMD , the associates under your team is your BASESHOP. And if you are an SMD you become part of a HIERARCHY which is composed of as many as 100 SMDs. Then When you belong to a team where you are more than 100 to about 1000 SMDs then you are in a DYNASTY. When you have more than 1000 SMDs then you have an EMPIRE!!! But it does not stop thereWhen you have more than 10,000 SMDs you are a BUSINESS TYCOON!!!

And what is the BASIC of BUILDING our IMG BUSINESS? How do we achieve being A TYCOON? We all start with BUILDING a BIG BASESHOP! The BIG BASESHOP Builder produces 10 Monthly Personal , and 100 Baseshop Production every MONTH!

An SMD who do not have a BASESHOP is an SMD by TITLE. And so is a GJ and CEO without a BASESHOP is NOT A BUILDER!

If you become a DYNASTY BUILDER you will be approaching the 1M/Month Income! When you become an EMPIRE BUILDER, you can have a MILLION per WEEK Income!!! And hold on to your seats!!! When you become a TYCOON, your income can  exceed a MILLION A DAY!!!

But It is not just about INCOME. BIG BASESHOP BUILDERS means you are HELPING a LOT of PEOPLE!!! 

Benj Santiago


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