Tuesday, November 2, 2021


It's been a great start for this last Quarter of this 2021! Next month we will be on our 14th year in IMG. And this year we received a dream recognition!!!

It has always been a dream for everybody to get into business and become an entrepreneur. From employees for more than 25 years, we have formally been recognized as entrepreneurs with this ENTREPRENEUR AWARD!  

It has not been an easy journey building this business in the financial services industry because we are Engineers by profession and don't have any idea in the financial industry! But by God's grace (scandalous grace) we made it! 

To achieve financial freedom, you've got to move from employee mindset to entrepreneurs mindset and we really thank IMG for giving us this great opportunity!

This is a business of making a difference in people's lives! A business with a noble purpose and mission! A life-changing business open to anybody regardless of social status, educational background or physical capability! We are open to anybody who have BIG DREAMS!

Today in our seniors years, money is working for us already (passive income) as we continue to build this business all over the world! Today we have more than 1200 outlets in 70 countries doing our business online in the comfort of our home! And it is growing! Income also continues to grow!!! Income that doubles every 2 years!! What a blessing indeed! Thank you Bro Bo for introducing us to this business 14 years ago!

And what's good about this business? It's an INFINITE business! It's a business that is recession-proof, pandemic proof. We actually broke records during the pandemic that started in 2020. While many businesses closed down or declared bankruptcy, our business thrive and continues to grow! 

This business can be passed on to our children because of the VESTING RIGHTS! Truly a great BLESSING from above.

Thank you IMG. So proud to be a part of this great IMG Community! 

To God be the Glory!!!!

Join us and be part of this great business and mission.

Benj Fely Santiago

Author Debt Destroyers
Founder of Truly RIch Makers

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