Tuesday, November 2, 2021


Ben Franklin said, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”


I say, he was WRONG!


I’m sorry to burst the bubble of well-meaning parents and teachers who preach that saving money is a great way to build security and wealth.


But… Frankly, it's bad advice.


Saving money is a horrible fallback plan and certainly not a good one for retirement...


Now, there’s nothing wrong with saving. It’s better than blowing loads of money in Vegas, or on a new sports car.


But (apologies to Ben Franklin), it’s NOT ENOUGH!


In fact, anyone who plans to JUST work hard and save money is actually digging a financial grave.


I agree! SAVING is not enough...We need to make sure we INVEST CORRECTLY! 

Check this out : https://investingforhappyretirement.blogspot.com/2014/02/bo-sanchez-wealth-circle-advisers.html

We can show you how. Check our website https://6020hf.imgcorp.com

Benj Fely Santiago

TRM Founder- Head Coach

Author of Debt Destroyers



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