Sunday, April 30, 2023


For more than 10 years, we were struggling financially despite the good income we get from working on a big position for big companies.

We had 7 credit cards that were all maxed out totaling more than 1.5M in debts.

3 of 4 children are still in school and we had a total responsibility of more than 500k/year on their education.

I remember those days that I was praying very hard to get a raise but the year 2008 to 2009 were not good years for most companies. In fact I got laid off from my job January of 2009.

I was lucky, yes lucky in spite of all the struggles I got fired from my job for it made me realize I could not rely forever in my JOB. I was blessed that before I got laid off from my Job, I was already am Financially EDUCATED, and was EXECUTING what I learned. I gained FINANCIAL WISDOM thru IMG.

It was a blessing that I got fired for I was able to devote time in pursuing another career in IMG introduced to us by Bro Bo Sanchez. I no longer have a JOB but I was transformed into an ENTREPRENEUR in the Financial Industry. In just 5 years we were totally out of our Debts and we started earn even more than what we got from our 8-5 jobs. The financial WISDOM we obtained led us to FINANCIAL FREEDOM!

This is what Bro Bo has to say about us:

Now, as our way of giving back for all the blessings we receive, we go all over the Philippines and all over the World to conduct FREE FINANCIAL LITERACY SEMINARS. Yes, you read it right. We do it for FREE! No obligation on your part. It is our MISSION to help families achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM that we experience today because of the Financial Concepts we Learned and Applied in our own financial life.

So I encourage you. Come to our FREE FINANCIAL COACHING SESSION happening all over the World. In fact we are going to conduct one on May 13 here in Sydney Australia. Check this: []

Just contact us to get REGISTERED. You may even be Qualified for a FREE PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE.

Benj Santiago
Founder and Head Coach

TRM IMG Members
Bo Sanchez' Wealth Circle Mentors Benj and Fely
Truly Rich Makers
Debt Destroyers
Marvin E. Estrella
Mia Atienza Parada
Ellen Dayrit Torralba
Khervy Barbon Reyes
Libiran Rezzie
Robert Manlapaz

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