Sunday, April 16, 2023

Why Do Most People Fail In Their Financial Life?

“I remember it vividly…

When I was nine years old, in the fourth grade, I raised my hand and asked my teacher, “When will we learn about money?”


The question seemed to take my teacher by surprise. I sensed my question was out of place. Was a question about money inappropriate in a classroom? Sputtering and a bit indignant, she answered my question stating, “Money is not a subject taught in school.” 


“Why not?” I asked. “Why am I in school?” I asked.


“To get a good job.” She replied.


“But don’t I want a job. I want to be rich.”


“No. You’re in school to get a good education so you can get a job and earn money.” she replied tersely, turning and walking away.


“But if I do not learn about money in school, when will I learn about money?”


She had crossed to the other side of the room, attending to another student. “Why don’t you ask your dad.” She replied, glancing over her shoulder. He’s my boss. He should have the answer you are looking for.


My dad was the Superintendent of Education for the Island of Hawaii. For those not familiar with Hawaii, there is the State of Hawaii and the Island of Hawaii. At the time, my dad was the Superintendent of the Island of Hawaii. Later, he would rise to become Superintendent of the State of Hawaii.


Confident my dad would have the answer, I went home and asked him the same question and received the same answer. Money is not a subject taught in school. My dad said, “The government tells us what we can and cannot teach. Money is a subject we cannot teach.”


When I asked, “Why?” He simply said, “I do not know.”


And this is where the story of rich dad poor dad begins. 

My poor dad, being a great teacher, recommended I talk to my best friend’s father saying, “I’m a government employee. Your best friend’s father is an entrepreneur. I think he may have the answers you are looking for.”


From the age of nine, till my thirties, my rich dad was my teacher, mentor, coach, and guide to my future. If not for my rich dad, I suspect, I would have wound up a highly educated poor man, much like my real dad.

Be careful who you learn from.

It makes all the difference.”

Robert Kiyosaki

I am sure we all can relate to this story of Robert. We all learned the same way. I am glad I still had a chance even at age 51 to change the course of my financial life through proper financial education I got from IMG. 

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Benj Fely Santiago

Founder and Head Coaches Truly Rich Makers




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