Thursday, May 11, 2023

3 Myths About Financial Freedom- HARV EKER

Are you Financially FREE? Do you know, really know if you are indeed FINANCIALLY FREE?

A lot of people are mistaken for they are caught by the wrong beliefs. And I totally agree with these 3 Myths as eMailed to me by HARV EKER:

"Myth #1: You need to be debt-free before you can work on becoming financially free."

Our definition of financial freedom is when your passive income exceeds your monthly expenses. SO even if you have monthly payables, amortization, and credit card debts, you can still be financially free. As long as your passive income exceeds your expenses.

Myth #2: You’re too old (or too young) for financial freedom.

What you focus on expands! The sooner you start focusing on financial freedom, the sooner you’ll reach it. It doesn't matter what season in your life you are in. It doesn't matter how old or young you are. The important thing is you start your journey to financial freedom. I started my journey when I was 51, and did it in 5 years.

Myth #3: You need to be rich before you can be financially free.

Being rich doesn't mean being financially free. For instance, we've all heard of famous celebrities or athletes with million-dollar contracts who wind up owing so much money that they go bankrupt. They were rich but not financially free.

For me, Financial Freedom simply means that your monthly INCOME from whatever source or sources, be it PASSIVE or ACTIVE is more than what YOU NEED. It's having Peace of Mind.

As ROBERT KIYOSAKI would put it, "For me, it's about freedom to spend my time the way I choose."

I want to COACH you to Financial Freedom which is what we experience right now. Simply invest your time to LEARN. Attend our FREE FINANCIAL COACHING SESSION.

Contact us NOW.

Benj Santiago
Founder and Head Coach
Truly Rich Makers


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