Monday, May 8, 2023

Time Wealth Health...

3 major factors in Life: Time, Wealth, Health. When we are very young, we can be healthy and may have time but we may not have wealth.

When we are are middle age, we may still be healthy, but we may not have the time for we are busy building our wealth.

In our senior years, we may have the time and wealth but we may not be healthy.

So it is essential that we create a good balance and be able to stay healthy, wealthy and with time freedom.

In IMG, I am glad I reach that balance. I have the time freedom. I am healthy and stress free. And I have the financial capability to travel the World, go cruising, enjoy life.

We just came from Korea last month. Next week we will be Taipei. On the 3rd week we will be in Japan, then fly to Sydney by month end. Return by end of June then by August fly to Europe for our Baltic Cruise, the by September do the Mediterranean Cruise. And not yet finalized maybe spend a week in Hawaii and then Vienna!

Thanks be to God for this amazing life of freedom and balance. Thanks to IMG!

You can do it too.

Benj Fely Santiago
Founders and Head Coaches

@TRM IMG Members
@TrulyRich Makers

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