Monday, June 10, 2024

Preparation For Financial Freedom

What are The 6 Best Ways to 

Prepare for Financial Freedom?

Preparing for financial freedom in retirement is crucial. Here are six key ways to help you work towards financial security during your retirement years:

1. **Start Saving Early**: Begin saving for retirement as soon as possible. The power of compound interest means that the earlier you start saving, the more time your money has to grow.

2. **Contribute to Retirement Accounts**: Take advantage of retirement accounts like PAG IBIG and SSS Funds. Maximize your contributions to benefit from tax advantages and potential employer matches.

3. **Diversify Your Investments**: Spread your investments across different asset classes to reduce risk. Diversification can help protect your savings from market fluctuations. Best way to do this is by investing in Mutual Funds. 

4. **Create a Financial Plan**: Develop a comprehensive financial plan that outlines your retirement goals, income sources, expenses, and investment strategies. Regularly review and adjust your plan as needed. Follow the 10:20 Rule. 

5. **Manage Debt**: Pay off high-interest debt and avoid accumulating new debt. Being debt-free in retirement can help stretch your savings further and provide more financial stability.

6. **Build your own Business ** : Engage early on a Business that  you can do while working and continue to build beyond retirement. Find a business that generates Passive Income. 

I have done it through My Amazing Business. I have been able to build it beyond my retirement years and continue to earn PASSIVE INCOME more than what I need in retirement. The best thing about it is that I can do it anywhere, &  anytime I want to. To God be the glory!

I can help you  follow these steps and being disciplined in your financial approach, you can work towards achieving financial freedom and security in retirement.

Benj Fely Santiago

Founder and Head Coach

Truly Rich Makers

Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit!

“Blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall inherit the kingdom of God”.. in another version :”blessed are the poor in spirit,  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”!

This is the first among many of the sermon on the mount or what we know as Beatitudes”… as in our “Be Attitude”… A lot of people misinterpret being poor as materially poor. I believe instead that the Lord plans for us to be prosperous but remain humble.

We are challenged to live out the Beatitudes in our daily lives, our jobs, and most especially in our business, to embody the virtues:

1. **Being humble**: Recognizing our limitations, acknowledging our need for God, and approaching others with humility and grace.

2. **Showing compassion**: Demonstrating empathy and kindness towards those who are suffering or in need, just as Jesus showed compassion to the poor and the marginalized.

3. **Striving for righteousness**: Seeking justice and fairness in our actions, standing up for what is right, and working towards a world where righteousness prevails.

4. **Practicing mercy**: Forgiving others, showing understanding and compassion even when it's difficult, and extending grace to those who may not deserve it.

5. **Pursuing purity of heart**: Cultivating sincerity, honesty, and integrity in our thoughts, words, and actions, and striving to maintain a pure and genuine relationship with God.

6. **Promoting peace**: Being peacemakers by resolving conflicts peacefully, fostering harmony in our relationships, and working towards reconciliation and unity.

7. **Enduring persecution for righteousness**: Staying faithful to our beliefs and values even in the face of opposition or challenges, trusting in God's promises and standing firm in our convictions.

By incorporating these principles into our daily interactions, decisions, and business, we can strive to live a life that reflects the teachings of Jesus in the Beatitudes, bringing about positive change in ourselves and the world around us. 

Is your business or job allow you to do the above? I praise God for being able to practice this in our IMG Business. An amazing business focused on helping families achieve financial freedom anchored on the love of family, others and most especially God! Thanks be to God! 

Join us NOW! 

Benj Fely Santiago

Founder and Head Coach


Truly Rich Makers


Bo Sanchez' Wealth Circle Mentors Benj and Fely

Investing Millennials

Investing Made Simple For Seafarers And Spouse

Sunday, June 9, 2024

IIs Your Job Enough?

Have you experienced having problems at work?

Maybe you got entangled with office politics or was passed up for a promotion by someone less qualified.

Ever think about quitting and looking for another job?

And worse have you been identified to be terminated or take an early retirement? This will definitely cause an emotional REACTION that can lead to a financial disaster.

These are the travails of just being an employee or having. JOB!

I got the worst scare of my life when Fely was identified for early retirement, and a year after I was identified to be retrenched and given an early retirement offer!

It was the scariest season of my career and financial life. Why? Because both our steady six-figure income are no longer something we can depend on. No more steady paychecks, no more health insurance. No more days off for being sick or paid vacations. On top of that is a huge seven-figure debts to pay and the six-figure expenses for the education of our young kids and our daily needs!

Our six figure income faded away while our six-figure responsibilities remain!

It was the most frightening years in our financial life. Worst of all, we did not know how long we would survive with our separation pay and when can we generate an alternative source of steady income.

But that experience became our TURNING POINT! The IMG Business Opportunity became our financial salvation. We were converted from Employees to Business Owner! Thanks be to God!

If this happens to you what would you do?

So think about it NOW. How much would you NEED to make to quit your job?

If you have kids, responsibilities, and people you have to take care of, then you owe it to them to be financially prepared.

Don’t quit your job… YET.

Have multiple income stream now. As Rex Mendoza would put it: “Fire all your cylinders “. Build financial freedom in your free time, step-by-step. Don’t depend on just your JOB.

I can help and guide you NOW so that you don’t experience the pain I went through. I can help you build a business that can make enough money consistently so you can afford to quit your job anytime you want to.

Benj Fely Santiago
Founder and Head Coach
Truly Rich Makers

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Graduation Time...

Is Academic Excellence
Enough Preparation For
Happy Retirement?

Ang daming posts sa graduation. Pre-school, primary, elementary, junior HS, Senior HS, College , MS and PhD!

Congratulations 🍾🎉🎈🎊 lalo na po sa mga nagkamit ng Honors.

I remember those years when my children were very young and they finished school one after the other. I am proud that they finished with honors, Chai finished HS as class Valedictorian. Ang dami nilang Medals of Academic Excellence.

Fely and I too had a very colorful academic background. Fely was the class Valedictorian in her Elementary School. I was in the Honor Roll from Elementary to High School.

All these we praise and thank the Lord for the honors and medals received.

However, what we learned and achieved in school is not enough. It does not guarantee financial freedom! Sad to say that those who excelled in their financial life were those that did not even completed their academics.

I encountered people who were successful academically and successful in their retirement years but far more many of them who were good in academics failed miserably in their financial life. Fely and I went through that too!

So what am I driving at? Academic Education is not enough. Excelling in any stage of your student life is not a guarantee for financial freedom. It is #financialliteracy that will guarantee #FinancialFreedom. It is in Business or Entrepreneurship and not on employment can you achieve #happyretirement! We did it! Thanks be to God!

Fely Benj Santiago
Founder and Head Coach
Truly Rich Makers

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

How Do We Get Started??

It Starts With Belief In Yourself!

In my 17 years of doing IMG Business, I wouldn’t label it as EASY. There were several points in the early years of our journey in building the business, that we thought of quitting and dropping out of it.

What kept us going is our strong belief in our mentors and coaches, our company partners, and ourselves.

Beefed up by continuing coaching, learning and actual field training we developed the confidence and the missionary heart in the business, and the rest is history.

Now, we lead a team of more than 1675 Coaches in 70 Countries all over the World! Praise be to God!

It’s your turn!

Benj Santiago
Head Coach and Founder
Truly Rich Makers

Monday, June 3, 2024

Are You Looking For A Side Hustle?

Do You Have A Real Business?

Will it RUN without you?

Can it GROW without you?

Can you transfer ownership to your children’s children ?

Today as I look back, I realized that for many years I had been a SLAVE to my employers. I did not have my own business. I was in my late 40’s when I started thinking of putting up my own business. 

There were many options I thought of pursuing. A car repair and maintenance shop, an Internet cafe, a grocery store, and even a construction contractor among many options. 

Not only will it require a big capital, but it will require my presence and supervision to make it grow. 

Even before I could set up any of my options, a career disaster hit me. I was forced to resign in my high paying, high level job in one of the Semicon companies in the Philippines. 

I sought guidance and prayed hard for my next career or business adventure. And we were led to IMG. 

In IMG, not only did I gain amazing benefits but I also run into a REAL BUSINESS and an amazing BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY

It is not easy but is definitely doable by anyone! We started small and spent time to get ourselves trained   We were able to get back to six figure income after 3 years. 

Now after 17 years of doing this business, we continue to build it all over the World. And you guessed it right. The business continues wherever we are. 

The business continue to grow even without our presence. Now, we earn six figure income per week! And it's amazing that it is not just us who were able to achieve financial freedom. Many of our business partners have been financially uplifted and are far better financially versus when they were just employed.

And the most exciting part is that we can transfer the business to our children’s children! Making it a REAL BUSINESS WE OWN. Thanks be to God!

If you want to experience the same, simply message me and I would be happy to coach and guide you no matter where you are! 


Benj Santiago

Founder and Head Coach

Truly Rich Makers 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Business Opportunity for OFWs!

OFW ako at malaki kita ko dito. Di ko na kailangang may business pa ako? 

Maling akala. Why? A lot of OFWs continue to struggle financially while they were abroad and more so when they are sent home.

This is prevalent to many OFWs who lack the right mindsets, knowledge and financial strategies. And more importantly, a lot of them don’t have a back up plan. Most of them don’t realize that being OFW has a time limit! 

In my 17 years of doing IMG Mission all over the world on a face to face or online basis, I am privileged together with our Truly Rich Makers Team, to have enabled and empowered our fellow Filipinos in 70 countries, to have the right financial mindset, strategies. More importantly, we were able to provide them with a  BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY to allow them to return home with financial freedom and continuing income!  Thanks be to God!

If you’re an OFW and you’re seeking alternative business that can bring you home,  HTTPS://6020HF.IMGCorp.Com

Benj Santiago
Founder and Head Coach
Truly Rich Makers

Why Do We Need To Take Care of Our Financial Future?

We Can Delegate Many Other Things But Not Our Financial Future

I fully agree with what RICH DAD say that we cannot "delegate our financial future"! And this is why I am blessed to get in IMG that enabled us to take charge of my financial future! And it’s not just getting the right information and access to financial services companies and getting the discounts.

IMG also gave me ability to increase my cashflow through my own business opportunity. A business that allowed me to have time freedom and passive income! And now I enjoy a happy retirement with an income even bigger than when I was employed! Thanks be to God!

You can achieve the same. https://6020HF.IMGCorp.Com

Benj Santiago
Founder and Head Coach
@Truly Rich Makers

Do You Want A Business That Leads People to Financial "Oasis"?

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone,” that would be me. Let me share with you my story. Finding Myself in the Middle of the Desert

I started attending IMG’s Financial Literacy Classes in 2008 when I was 18 years old. Back then, I had no plans of changing careers. There was absolutely no way I would put to waste my five long years in Engineering (and that was pretty long, considering DLSU– Manila is trimestral). Needless to say, I was adamant about being a “corporate slave” after graduation—a predictable choice for college students or fresh graduates, diba?

In 2013, just a few months after my graduation, my life shifted. I attended an IMG Convention in Singapore with my entire family. At that time, I was already contemplating whether I would go for the typical 8 to 5 corporate job or pursue a career in the financial industry. During the convention, one of the speakers, Rex Mendoza, asked all of those who were serious about spreading financial education to stand up. Since my only engagement at that time was with IMG, I stood up, not knowing that my life would never be the same again.

Boss Rex said, "I want you to imagine that you are in the middle of the desert with all of your loved ones, family, friends, and a whole lot of other people. You've been journeying for quite some time now with no food, no water, nothing. You're all hungry and thirsty. All of a sudden, you found an oasis! My question is, what are you going to do with the oasis? Will you share it? Or will you keep it to yourself?"

He paused. I thought to myself, “Of course I will share it! It would be so selfish of me if I won’t.”

Then he continued, "I want you to know that IMG is the oasis of the financial services industry. The question now is what will you do? Will you share it? Or will you keep it to yourself?"

That story changed my life. Of course, it wasn't an easy nor instant decision for me. It wasn't practical to say the least. It was a really tough decision to make but with prayers — lots and lots of prayers — guidance, and exposure to the industry, I found the answer. I’m happy to say that the answer then and the answer now continues to be the same. I was made for this and God's grace brought me here. I see IMG as a gift that's worth sharing to the world.

Each day, my passion for this cause continues to grow stronger. As I get to encounter more and more people, hear different stories, learn more valuable life lessons, and meet people who are clueless about Financial Planning, I realize that there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done. There are more people and more families out there that needs to be led to this financial oasis. Sabi nga ni Wonder Woman, "When you see something wrong with the world, either you do nothing, or you do something." Marami pang mga tao ang kailangan maturuan at matulungan. Marami pang dapat gawin.

- Chai Santiago

Friday, May 31, 2024

Are You Looking For An Enjoyable Business?

Do You Want
A Business
You Can Still Do While
Enjoying Retirement?

Many struggle while they are young and on their job, and more so in their retirement years!

I am glad I got into a business before I got fired from my JOB! Now in my retirement years, I enjoy to travel the world and still continue to earn great income from my own business.   AMAZING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY

You see, many years ago (2007) we were financially struggling even if we were earning very well. We have a combined 6-figure Gross Income every 15th of each month. What made it worse is that Fely was identified to have early retirement. So we re-strategize our way of handling our finances. We searched for Seminar and Mentors who can help us create a fitting strategy. 

Not only did we learn the right financial strategies. We were able to develop the right mindsets and abundant mentality. Moreover, we were able to be in a community that builds relationships, generosity, and MISSION! And in 3 years were able to get out of our BAD DEBTS and in 5 years become financially free and build a business that earns for us 6 figure passive income! Thanks be to God! 

Do you want to experience the same?  Message us NOW

Benj Santiago
Founder and Head Coach
Truly Rich Makers

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Earn While You Enjoy Life

 Do you want to continue to 
without working?

In the 42 Countries I had visited so far, I am amazed and totally surprised to see aged, or what we call SENIORS who are still working! Most of these old folks I saw in Japan, in Europe, are in the restaurant and in grocery business. 

Even here in Sydney where we are now, I have seen seniors still active in their jobs. In fact retirement age is 67 here. In most countries in Europe it is 65-67. And you are still allowed to work beyond retirement age.

But wouldn’t it be great that you can earn while taking vacations and leisure trips around the world? Is there an opportunity that will allow us to have time and financial freedom? Check this:

Yessssss!!!! We were able to do it! So can you. There are two things you need to do to generate the income you need to enjoy a happy retirement.  Thanks be to God!

Check out our link and websites. Https://6020HF.IMGCorp.Com.

Let’s talk and define a financial strategy suited for you to retire early and continue to earn beyond your senior years like we do. Message me NOW at Benj Santiago

Fely and Benj

Founders and Head Coaches



A Business With A Proven System

Do You Want A 
That Has A 
Proven System 
For More Than 40 Years 

“Make money while you sleep or work until you die.”- Warren Buffet
“Trading Time for Income  is what most people do. And they do it until they die.” To be Wealthy and Truly Rich, we need to stop working for the money but instead make money while sleeping and make that money work for us. 
We simply  need to set up a SYSTEM that makes you money FOR YOU (regardless of hours worked).
- While you’re enjoying vacation
- While you’re at the beach
- While you’re sleeping
That's what it means to be a PASSIVE INCOME earner. You make income on autopilot. You make income 24/7 and wherever you are!
There are so many options or ways to achieve this. You can use, franchising business, rental income, even stocks. And all of this is one package called IMG. A One Stop Shop with a proven and tested System that really works.

It worked for me and countless people all over the World. Thus, from a dedicated employee for more than 30 years, I was transformed to be an Investor, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, and a Franchisor to more than 101,981 families in 70 countries all over the world (as of May 30,2024)!Thanks be to God!

This is your turn now. You need to transition to or diversify your income source that has a great and proven SYSTEM. Check this out HTTPS://6020HF.IMGCORP.COM and message me Coach Benj Santiago so we can get you started up on this amazing opportunity.

Check our WebSite WWW.TheTrulyRichMakers.Com

Benj Fely Santiago
Head Coaches
Truly Rich Makers

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Business With A Purpose!

 Do You Want a 

Business with a Purpose?

There are many options you can take to create your own business. Be it traditional, networking, or franchised business. 

But if you look at all these nothing is more satisfying and fulfilling than a business that helps people save and achieve peace of mind. A business that promotes saving and not buying. A business that helps people and families get discounts for all their needs. 

A business that does not sell expensive items or products so that you can earn. Instead, we help our business partners get what what they need with a discount that non members cannot have. 

For example, you want to buy a car. Instead of buying it on a much higher price you get a big discount. You want to buy your own home, you get a discount. You buy property insurance for your car or home, you get a discount. “Di ba ang galing”!

And the best thing about our business is that we have a FREE continuing education and coaching on how to make sure our families and friends will build their business, SAVE and INVEST to achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM! Super amazing PURPOSE! Thanks be to God!

That’s the business we have. And I encourage you to be part of it.  Check this WWW.TheTrulyRichMakers.Com

Get more details here Business With Purpose

Benj Santiago

Founder and Head Coach

Truly Rich Makers