Monday, June 3, 2024

Are You Looking For A Side Hustle?

Do You Have A Real Business?

Will it RUN without you?

Can it GROW without you?

Can you transfer ownership to your children’s children ?

Today as I look back, I realized that for many years I had been a SLAVE to my employers. I did not have my own business. I was in my late 40’s when I started thinking of putting up my own business. 

There were many options I thought of pursuing. A car repair and maintenance shop, an Internet cafe, a grocery store, and even a construction contractor among many options. 

Not only will it require a big capital, but it will require my presence and supervision to make it grow. 

Even before I could set up any of my options, a career disaster hit me. I was forced to resign in my high paying, high level job in one of the Semicon companies in the Philippines. 

I sought guidance and prayed hard for my next career or business adventure. And we were led to IMG. 

In IMG, not only did I gain amazing benefits but I also run into a REAL BUSINESS and an amazing BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY

It is not easy but is definitely doable by anyone! We started small and spent time to get ourselves trained   We were able to get back to six figure income after 3 years. 

Now after 17 years of doing this business, we continue to build it all over the World. And you guessed it right. The business continues wherever we are. 

The business continue to grow even without our presence. Now, we earn six figure income per week! And it's amazing that it is not just us who were able to achieve financial freedom. Many of our business partners have been financially uplifted and are far better financially versus when they were just employed.

And the most exciting part is that we can transfer the business to our children’s children! Making it a REAL BUSINESS WE OWN. Thanks be to God!

If you want to experience the same, simply message me and I would be happy to coach and guide you no matter where you are! 


Benj Santiago

Founder and Head Coach

Truly Rich Makers 

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