Sunday, June 2, 2024

Do You Want A Business That Leads People to Financial "Oasis"?

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone,” that would be me. Let me share with you my story. Finding Myself in the Middle of the Desert

I started attending IMG’s Financial Literacy Classes in 2008 when I was 18 years old. Back then, I had no plans of changing careers. There was absolutely no way I would put to waste my five long years in Engineering (and that was pretty long, considering DLSU– Manila is trimestral). Needless to say, I was adamant about being a “corporate slave” after graduation—a predictable choice for college students or fresh graduates, diba?

In 2013, just a few months after my graduation, my life shifted. I attended an IMG Convention in Singapore with my entire family. At that time, I was already contemplating whether I would go for the typical 8 to 5 corporate job or pursue a career in the financial industry. During the convention, one of the speakers, Rex Mendoza, asked all of those who were serious about spreading financial education to stand up. Since my only engagement at that time was with IMG, I stood up, not knowing that my life would never be the same again.

Boss Rex said, "I want you to imagine that you are in the middle of the desert with all of your loved ones, family, friends, and a whole lot of other people. You've been journeying for quite some time now with no food, no water, nothing. You're all hungry and thirsty. All of a sudden, you found an oasis! My question is, what are you going to do with the oasis? Will you share it? Or will you keep it to yourself?"

He paused. I thought to myself, “Of course I will share it! It would be so selfish of me if I won’t.”

Then he continued, "I want you to know that IMG is the oasis of the financial services industry. The question now is what will you do? Will you share it? Or will you keep it to yourself?"

That story changed my life. Of course, it wasn't an easy nor instant decision for me. It wasn't practical to say the least. It was a really tough decision to make but with prayers — lots and lots of prayers — guidance, and exposure to the industry, I found the answer. I’m happy to say that the answer then and the answer now continues to be the same. I was made for this and God's grace brought me here. I see IMG as a gift that's worth sharing to the world.

Each day, my passion for this cause continues to grow stronger. As I get to encounter more and more people, hear different stories, learn more valuable life lessons, and meet people who are clueless about Financial Planning, I realize that there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done. There are more people and more families out there that needs to be led to this financial oasis. Sabi nga ni Wonder Woman, "When you see something wrong with the world, either you do nothing, or you do something." Marami pang mga tao ang kailangan maturuan at matulungan. Marami pang dapat gawin.

- Chai Santiago

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