Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Graduation Time...

Is Academic Excellence
Enough Preparation For
Happy Retirement?

Ang daming posts sa graduation. Pre-school, primary, elementary, junior HS, Senior HS, College , MS and PhD!

Congratulations πŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽŠ lalo na po sa mga nagkamit ng Honors.

I remember those years when my children were very young and they finished school one after the other. I am proud that they finished with honors, Chai finished HS as class Valedictorian. Ang dami nilang Medals of Academic Excellence.

Fely and I too had a very colorful academic background. Fely was the class Valedictorian in her Elementary School. I was in the Honor Roll from Elementary to High School.

All these we praise and thank the Lord for the honors and medals received.

However, what we learned and achieved in school is not enough. It does not guarantee financial freedom! Sad to say that those who excelled in their financial life were those that did not even completed their academics.

I encountered people who were successful academically and successful in their retirement years but far more many of them who were good in academics failed miserably in their financial life. Fely and I went through that too!

So what am I driving at? Academic Education is not enough. Excelling in any stage of your student life is not a guarantee for financial freedom. It is #financialliteracy that will guarantee #FinancialFreedom. It is in Business or Entrepreneurship and not on employment can you achieve #happyretirement! We did it! Thanks be to God!

Fely Benj Santiago
Founder and Head Coach
Truly Rich Makers

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