Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Active Vs Passive Income

Let's have a review . Active Income is a source of Income which needs you to do an action to get your pay or income, while a Passive Income keeps coming even if you are not doing anything.

Robert Kiyosaki in his 4 quadrant explanations show Employees, and Self Employed belong to this category of Active Income earners. By employees, this means you have a workplace and an employer and you render your talent or service to earn your wage. You can be the President of the company , yet since you are employed in that company , you are still an active income earner.

Just exactly how many employment can you have, or business you can run by yourself? In the Philippines, most usual is single employment, then a sideline business or part time employment as in teaching in a school or university, or tending a sari sari store. Some go for franchising which is still an active way of income generation.

You cannot have too many of this active income streams as it will be physically and mentally tiring. You definitely wont enjoy the fruits of your labor.

On the other hand, Passive Income are generated from Interest Earnings from your Investments, Rental Income , and Royalty Income.

Our financial challenge is to move our income from our active source to passive income source.

In IMG we teach people how to do this and earn limitless income.

You want to know more... contact me... richbenj.santiago@gmail.com.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the advice! It's great to see people sharing financial solutions especially during unpredictable economic changes...
