Sunday, November 8, 2009

True Riches

Hi There... it's been quite a while since my last blog entry coz I've been away for a 14 day European Marian Pilgrimage. It's really something everyone must experience, but of course it's not that cheap...

In the said pilgrimage, we passed through the places where two most influential Saints of my life once walked and lived. St Francis (I like his Italian name: Francesco) and St Ignatius of Loyola (Loiola as they spell it).

What's their relation to my topic? Both of them came from influential and rich families. Both are gallant men who wants to be famous Knights (those who leads crusades against the moors of their times). But both of them gave their all to God!

True Riches is not measured on what we amass or have, but what we can offer back to God. Note, what we can offer. We cannot offer what we do not have, correct? Thus, Truly Rich are those who can offer all back to God of what they have. And these two saints gave their 100% and left nothing for them.

So how many percent do we give back? Are we Truly Rich? Are we doing something to that direction? Do we have the right mind set, attitude and working plans to be one?

If you need guidance... just give me a note at or

God bless!

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