Thursday, November 19, 2009

Can IMG Really Change Lives?

I'm so fortunate to meet one of the many people whose life had been changed by IMG.

Right now, as I write this blog, I'm in IMG office in Singapore and with the living example of a person who has been able to rise up from her humble beginning through her IMG activites.

I'm talking about Glenda Flores who hails from the Province of Negros, one of the major islands of the Visayan group of islands. She had worked as Domestic Helper in Hong Kong for more than 10 years. 4 Years ago, she joined IMG and from then on focused her energy in achieving her dreams to one day terminate her employer, which she did.

And that's amazing! You know why? Because she understood the IMG concept of saving and investing for her future. Then, she embarked on a mission to educate and wake up her fellow OFW- Overseas Filipino Workers in Hong Kong. She had successfully done her mission and by now she is a Senior Marketing Director with 6 Direct Marketing Director under her. A feat she was able to accomplish in mere 4 years. And what makes it amazing? She was just able to do her IMG mission only once a week as she only has her Sunday day off to do it.

She sacrificed her rest day just to do the mission and she did not only change her status as OFW to OFI- Overseas Filipino Investor , but more worthy of emulation is the fact that she was able to change so many peoples lives as well. Turning many OFW to spenders and struggling workers to investors and savers like her who are sure of having a secured financial future.

You want to follow her footsteps? Absorb the concept and act on it like what Glenda did and change your life for the better!

God bless.

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