Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bonus TIme Again... Where Did Your Last Bonus Went to?

Christmas is just around the corner... The countdown had begun and as of this writing,.. it just about 45 days to go and it's Christmas.

But, before the Christmas Celebrations, most employees receive their 13th Month Pay! Some as early as first week of November. We only work for 12 months yet we are paid 13th month...this is one of the good thing our government had mandated to employees on all ranks. Something we need to be thankful for.

Imagine if you have been working for 10 years with an average annual bonus of just 10K, by this time you should have 100K. That is if you do not know how to save and invest properly and you just put your money in a box and hid it under your bed. Or if you placed it in the bank, you should have something no more than 110K since SDA- Savings Deposit Accounts only earns a measly 0.5-1%/year in the last 10 yrs.

But , if you learn how to save and invest, easily, your 100K should be approaching the 200K even with the downturn last 2008. And leaving it there for just another 24 years, you can have 1,600,000.00PHP. What more if you continue to save your 13th Month Pay! This can fund your retirement needs.

But the sad thing I observe with most, of us, is that even before the 13th month pay is given , it is already spent. The money expected is calculated, and sometimes requested in advance to buy new gadgets, new appliances, new dress, shoes, bags, and many unnecessary things in the guise of emergencies.

For some, the 13th month is spent on splurging on Christmas Parties, foods, wines, clubs, and many celebrations.

How about you? Where did you spent your 13th month pays that passed your hands?

I challenge you... this time, invest some of it, at least 50% of it, and best is if you can save and invest the entire sum. Spend it when you really need it. Do not spend it on things that are not needed nor necessary. INVEST it for your FUTURE NEEDS....

God bless!

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