Sunday, November 21, 2010

Riding the Bull... Ride it for as Long As You Can!

Is it still a bull run? By all indications Philippine Sock Market is in the upward trend and the surrounding conditions, including the political situation is conducive to a bull run.

However, this trend should not significantly change your investing strategy. If you are a trader, you use a different strategy to ride the bull. But, for us ordinary folks, who does not have the training nor facility to trade should stay on with their investing strategy.

How? The very first step is to make sure you have you investment goals.Meaning, you need to know exactly how much you want to have , by when, and for what purpose. Then, with discipline and consistency, just continue to invest while the bull is on the run or not. So ride the bull as long as you can.

Actually, it is easy to invest when the bull continuously run. What we need to learn really is how to get off the bull when it is on the run...

Will be willing to share with you how. Just give me an email or text me.

God bless!

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