Friday, November 5, 2010

Investing in Good Times... Investing in Bad TImes

Merry Christmas Indeed, many friends of mine are having their early Christmas as we see our Investments zoom fast our expected levels! Levels that certainly would raise the eye brows of the non-informed and would shout SCAM rather than Hallelujah!

Along with this, many people instantly becomes stock brokers, stock players, and investors. Riding the bull with exhilaration. Yes, indeed the stocks market investing becomes easy when it is on the "Bull Run". But , the real acid test for the educated and informed investor in the Stock Market is when it goes "Bearish" or when the Stock Prices begin to fall.

Warren Buffet always preach to Invest Consistently an not to "time" the market because no one can. Thus, Investing should not just be now that the Bull Is On The Run! Investing must be done also during the times when the market plummets down.

Investing must be in Good Times and Bad Times.

Happy Investing!


This November 17,2010 at 7PM in IMG Office in Makati, Rex Mendoza - SVP of ALI (among many other positions held) will speak about the needed Skills in Riding the Bull! This is only open to IMG Members.


  1. Am very interested, don't know why I can't seem to take off.

  2. Dream, Desire, and ACT on it.... Vision without Action is day dreaming... Would really be happy to help you out...bring the entire family.... See you on Saturday Nov 13 2PM at IMG Makati...
