Thursday, August 13, 2009

Act on it ...continued

Hi there, I hope you enjoy and learn at the same time is acting on it to be Truly Rich....

To ensure success in your journey of actually executing your plans, you need to ensure you have a "coach".

A coach will speed up your journey as he or she can show the right path and enable you to avoid mistakes in your actions. Much like a Roach to Pacquiao... got it?

Another thing is that as you execute your plan, remember that end point is not mere execution of the plan but the end results you aim for.

We can be your coach for free. Just get us connected and will be more than happy to help you out. That's our mission. By we, I mean me and my beautiful wife who completed her "RFP" Training. Email us at :

Your action plans must focus on reducing your expenses and increasing your income.

Reducing expense entails a lot of discipline and family involvement. Moreover, both the husband and the wife must have the same money mind sets and directions.

Increasing income on the other hand entails maximizing potentials of both your time and your cash.

I will give you more details on this later.

Today, let me tackle another step. step 5: reviewing and updating your end results and action plans.

End results pertains o your Goals that you have set along side with your "Cash Flow" and "Net Worth" which we discussed earlier.

If your actions does not bring you to the end results you have aimed for at the pace you desired, there is something you need to revise. My advice is not to change your goals as this is the easier part, but to put more aggressiveness in your actions.

As you would note, you have to review the end results first before you review your actions. Why? Because the end results will tell you if you are doing it fast enough and you are in the right direction. You will be surprised, some of your actions may actually be taking you farhter away from your goals.

One key factor you have to consider is in building up your wealth through your action plans, are you really accumulating assets or your building up your liabilities.

Robert Kiosaki in his book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" defines this "asset and liability" clearly. Asset for Robert is something you acquire that puts money into your pocket. While liabilities is the reverse.

I just want to add a little on this definition. Assets are not necessarily things or objects. This can be intangible assets like Financial Education, Advanced Studies, Skills Training, etc. which adds up to your value as a person.

This completes your steps... but not really the end of it. You will reckon with each steps like what seems to be a spiral staircase. You need to repeat the cycle over and over till you are satisfied with your results.

Now, that you have gone through these 5 steps. Our next discussion will be more details of each steps so that indeed you can achieve your own set goals....

See you again tomorrow.

God bless.

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