Saturday, August 8, 2009

Simple Steps to Riches (8/9/2009)

Day 1

Dear Friends,

I'm sure you have read many articles, books, and other reading materials on this topic.

But, what I'd like to offer to you are simple steps which you can easily follow.

These are synthesized from the readings I had including that of the Holy Bible.

For details, we have a Seminar offered for FREE every Monday and Thursday 5PM at our Dasmarinas , Cavite Office.

As early as now, I also encourage you to log in to Preacher in Blue Jeans, and the Truly Rich Club of Bro Bo Sanchez.

Now, back to the simple steps...

The very first step is to assess your current situation.

Each of us are of different stage in our financial life, thus , the next steps will depend on where we are at this point in time.

For example, you are just a student and is looking forward to an employment or embarking on your own business in about a year or two, you will have to take steps much much different from those who are already employed or running their business. More so, a person who is at their 4th Quarter so to speak will have to take a much entirely different step or steps than the previous.

Okay, I will be going to more specifics as we go on to this blog...

Keep on reading each day for a daily dose of this SIMPLE STEPS...

God bless....

Day 2

Hi there again, dear friends. Let's continue with our SIMPLE STEPS...

The basic tool to use in assessing your financial situation are available upon request from us.

This is actually an excel worksheet that will detail your Cash Flow with your Income Streams and Expense Details. It will also contain your Net Worth Calculations detailing your Total Assets and Total Liabilities.

This is one of the most powerful concepts we teach for free in our seminar

We cannot fix something we do not know, right? So that is why, it is with great accuracy and care that we must do the very first step we have defined.

This very first step is the most painful step for some. It is also the most fearsome. That's why, most people stop from here. But, I encourage you to be bold and courageous, and also diligent in this first step.

Also, the very first step must be repeated over and over to make sure you are able to plug in , other factors , major expenses, or surprise income streams, that you may not have considered in your first assessment.

I will detail this some more in the succeeding blogs.

Now after doing the assessment , the next step is to set your goals.

Goal setting like anything we do for our company or for any school activity deals with WHAT we want to ACHIEVE and WHEN. In the field of finances, it simply is HOW MUCH and WHEN and for WHAT PURPOSE. Example of this will be to have 3 Million pesos when I reach 45 to buy my own house and lot.

HOW MUCH- 3M, WHEN- at age 45, WHY- to buy a House.

Another example will be to have 20 Million by age 65 as my Retirement Money. So again, the HOW MUCH- 20M, WHEN- at age 65, WHY- for Retirement Money.

As you notice, the two Goals are dependent on the stage where the person is and what point is he looking at.

Moreover, we need to really be SMART in our Goals. S-pecific, M-easurable, A-ttainable, R-isk Stretched, and T-ime Bounded.

You can research and read more on what it means to be SMART. Or, if you want to know more , just drop me a mail so I can expound on it.

Goals must be linked to your current situation as it will ensure you can really be sure you can make it.

For example, you are already in your senior years, say 55, and you think about having your retirement at 65 with 20 million pesos. This means you have 10 years to achieve your goal. So that gives you the WHEN in number of years. The next Question of HOW MUCH will come from your Net Worth calculations from your first step.

We also have to go through the X-curve analysis. This is simply a risk analysis of your current financial condition. This will tell us How Much and When to protect our family and to guarantee a financially free retirement.

Another tool to use is what we call the Solid Financial Foundation Checker. To be financially secured , we must be able to define How Much of the following critical components of our financial building blocks should we have: Basic Health-care (Long and Short Term) , Protection , Debt Management, Emergency Fund Build Up , and Investments.

That's all for now.

See you again tomorrow , and let's go through the steps to riches... together....

God bless!

Day 3

As a review, we talked about the first two steps earlier: assess your current situation, and set goals.

I promise to detail this further in the succeeding days to come.

for now let me tell you about the next step: create your plan...

Based on the first two steps, you will have a more intelligent way of defining a plan how to achieve your goal or goals.

There are many ways and means of achieving financial plans.

You either work actively on it, or create multiple streams of active incomes.

Another way of achieving your goals is to create multiple passive income streams.

A fourth way is to reduce your expense .

But, in my experience, the best way is to combine all the four ways for faster achievement of your dreams and goals.

In creating your plans, you have to define the specific actions you will take and it must be laden with data of how much and when to match up with your goals.

The first two steps are very very critical and must be done with diligence as the action plans will be anchored on it.

However, among all the steps to take, this step of creating your plans is the most critical, as this will define your success in achieving your goals.

Limp plans ... expect not so good results.... aggressive and passion filled plans will definitely get you to your dreams....

Again, I promise you, I will have more details on this in the coming days.

I just want to give you first the basic idea before I go to the details.

That's all for now.

See you later.

If you want to ask me a question or give your comment, just click an email to this address:

God bless.

Day 4

Previously we covered the first 3 steps. step 1: assess your current situation, step 2: set goals, and step 3: create your plan...

In our free seminars, we will give you worksheets that will aid you in doing the above steps with ease. You can also get our wholehearted support in doing these steps which are the critical steps in achieving your goals... financial freedom.

After completing your plans, do not stop at that point... There are a lot of people in this world who gets tons and tons of ideas in their minds, fired up to think of doing something about their current situation, but sad to say just think about it.

Failure to act on it is the basic source of failure. It's not the absence of ideas, techniques but simply the ability to transform ideas to action.

I must say this is rooted on discipline. I define discipline as doing things you can avoid to do. Note the emphasis is doing. Acting on it or doing it even if others do not. Or acting on something which may inconvenience you at that moment.

In the news this time of writing are the 4 gallant Honor Guards who stood by the coffin of Tita Cory.

They motionlessly stood for more than 9 hours on top of the flat-bed truck non-stop without water and food and not relieving themselves of their physical needs.

Add to this the fact that the weather changes from sunny to rainy , and not only water rain them down but some coins and flowers into their face.

It's involuntary but they did it because they follow orders ... and of course because of big D... Discipline

So, with that said and done, it's much the same way with our Steps to Riches.

We need the Discipline to take Action. That is our fourth Step: act on it!

When we gone through the same process. Our major issue in our financial life is our debt and mortgages. I will detail this in a much later blog. This really required us to absorb a lot of vitamin D ( Discipline) in addressing this particular issue.

We also have to have an open mind and flexibility. Remember, the end point of all we are doing is not the completion of forms and written up plans. The end point is securing a solid financial foundation.

As we act on our plans, we must be able to continue to track and review our Cash Flow, our Net Worth, and our X-Curve Checker.

You maybe overloaded with terms I have mentioned that looks and sound Greek to you at this time. But do not worry, I will detail this much much more in the next blogs.

As usual, if you have anything to say or comment about this blog, pls feel free to do so and click me an email:

I will be more than happy to respond to you!

God bless !

See you tomorrow....


  1. Thanks ninang Beth for the encouragement....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow impressive. Continue your work for you and others. That is what life is.
