Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another important considerations before we create Goals and Plan

Dear family and Friends, I hope the 10 common money mistakes open our financial eyes a little bit to make us really see clearly our goals.

I would like to add a few more considerations before we embark on our goal setting and planning.

Let me share with you some of what I personally consider as the five (5) most important considerations in setting your goals:

1. Put God first and everything shall follow:

My motivation to be be wealthy is to be able to give back more for God. "Magis Deo". This is also the name of the Marriage Encounter Community my wife Fely and I belong.

All the things we can amass will mean nothing if our motivation is for selfish gain.

So your goals must include donating or helping out your favorite charity.

For us, we have listed up Magis Deo Community, Anawin of Bro Bo, Brotherhood Of Christian Businessmen and Professionals.

We give portions of our tithes for each of these communities regularly.

This is our way of loving God with all our heart, mind and soul.

This is our way of giving t God our Talents, Time, and Treasure.

God knows what we need, what we have and we will have even before we were born. If we put Him first in our plans and goals, He will surely bless it.

2. Love your Neighbor as yourself:

Your goals must include as well your neighbors. Who are your neighbors? The closest one you have is your own family, Your relatives, and your friends.

As for me and my house, we include in our goals setting aside funds for the college education of relatives and even unknown needy students.

God in His generosity cannot be outdone. The more we give, the more we will receive. Thus, if we set goals, we must not set only goals for our own selves and our family.

You may ask, "what? I have not enough money to spend for myself and my family, I still have to consider others?"

That's precisely why you have to set this goal so you can achieve it.

3. Erase all Negative Money Mind Sets:

To be wealthy is good, and God in all His goodness, do want all His children to be prosperous.

So much had been said about the wrong interpretation of Bible verses regarding the camel and the rich man as we all as that of being blessed if you are poor.

How can we give offering back to God (item 1) and be of help to our neighbors (item 2) if we ourselves are needing help?

Bro Bo calls this as "romanticizing poverty". It's a lame excuse for not using our God given gifts to the fullest.

Therefore, before we even create our goals and plans, we must ensure all the negative money mind set are already out of our system.

4. Get a Coach:

You maybe able to create your plans and goals by yourself, but it certainly will be much easier and , be more realistic and faster if somebody who cares for you can coach you to success.

Charise, the young talented singer managed by Oprah is coached by her mom. Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao , is coached by Freddie Roach.

So if you want to set up achievable goals, get help from experts.

This will enable you to consider all aspects of planning from emergency preparation to long term planning.

You can get our services for free if you want to. Just contact us for appointments.

5. Involve the whole family:

Husband and wife together with their kids must jointly plan for their financial future. If your kids are to young to be involved, then they are exempted. But, never should a wife or a husband do the plan individually. It must be a conjugal planning set-up and agreed by both parties.

You can involve kids at least 7 years of age , but of course, you need to adjust your terminologies to what they can understand.

My youngest kid when we embark on our planning was 10 years of age. A little late than my recommendation as we only got into this planning when she was that age.

So there you are, the considerations we must have before we embark on our goal settings.

Now that you gone through it, you are ready to start your goal setting and planning.

Will proceed with the detail of goal setting on our next blog..

God bless.

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