Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back to Step 1 for Details

Hi there. Now, let's go back to the very first step to define details of how we will go through it.

I will make it so simple that you can do it with ease.

However, to really expedite and speed up your journey towards being truly rich, I encourage you to attend the seminar of Bro Bo Sanchez on " Truly Rich Financial Coaching". You may want to also attend our on going-free seminars at Dasmarinas Cavite and in Makati. Email me at : for further details.

Now, back to the first step.

To take the first step, there must be a motivation , dreams and aspirations, or a driving force why we want to be rich, that is "truly rich".

For our family, our primary motivation why we want to be rich is for us to be able to help more people. We want to have more in life so we can give more to God.

That's for me and my family. Now, you have to define that first before we make our first step.

So, what's your motivation to be rich? Do not be like the fool who amassed wealth just for his selfish gains.

We should also be open to the abundant blessings that the Lord will pour down on us. There is so much wealth in the universe.

Now, you are ready to take the very first step. Step 1: assess your current situation.

We need to look first at your Cash Flow. By Cash Flow , we mean what are your sources of income , or "In-flow" of Cash, and your expenses , "Out-flow" of cash.

List down all the details of how much you spend on Food, Shelter, Clothing, Education, Health-care, and Lifestyles.

You have to drill down to the daily details to weekly to monthly and yearly. Use an Excel Worksheet for ease, or use notebook and pen to exactly know the details.

Next, do the same detailed listing of your income. You may have income from business, or your job, or investments, etc.

Based on the list of of the Cash In-flow and the Cash Out-flow, determine if you have anything left for your savings, investments and protection.

For sure, there are just three possibilities. One is that your Income is less than your Expense that you have no savings but instead credits or "utang". It will be a little less of a problem if your net balance is zero, but the best is that you are living below your means. That means that your Expenses is less than your Income.

Ideally, 10% must be offered back to the Lord , and 20% to your savings and investments and the remaining 70% will be the amount allocated for all our expenses. For our family, this is our basic guide and we hope to increase the amount of tithes we can offer back to God.

Now, I encourage you to proceed in creating your "Cash Flow" worksheet.

If you need the form from me, just give me an email at this address:

Next thing we need to assess closely is your "Net Worth". This is very important to know to establish how far are you from your wealth building target.

I know you are excited about this, but let me allow you first to focus on your frist work sheet.

Talk to you again later...

God bless....

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