Sunday, June 6, 2010

Independence Day!

June 12, 1898 brave Filipino patriots led by then Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo declared our country's sovereignty from the Spanish rule. But did we really become absolutely independent?

This will surely spark controversies and debates. Right? How is this related to being truly rich? Well, there is no direct connection. Being truly rich is of different kind of independence. Independence from financial worries, from debts and loans obligations, from stress of working for the money, and from stress of keeping up with responsibilities.

I know the feelings and effects of being trapped on a financial rut hole for I've been there and is still witnessing same scenario with many other people whom I love, and those whom I just met for the first time.

Some case really literally trapping them inside a jail depriving them of liberty. And worst, they are in a foreign land. Some people lost their homes as the banks foreclosed their properties as they default on their payments. And still some about to lose their homes in a matter of weeks for the same reason. And greatly affecting also their family as it resulted to separation.

I really thank God, we learned how to manage our finances , even if I consider it late, and is able to be financially free.

It is an intricate yet simple process that is founded on Financial Literacy - How to save and invest properly, and on Discipline- to do what we must for our future.

If you want to learn the step by step to Financial Independence, read through my earlier blogs, it will tell you the details.

Happy reading.

Happy Independence Day!

God bless!

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