Thursday, June 3, 2010

June Wedding.... Then What's Next?

June is the "marriagest" month of the year. Yes I invented that word. Kim "Matang Lawin" gave a very good trivia about why June is month for wedding.

First, it is because June is generally the start of cool , but comfortable weather all over the world. Those on the temperate zones experience cooler respite from the summer heat as the rains usually starts to pour by this period. For those in the part of the world that experiences winter, this time of the year is spring and is the nicest weather.

Second, June is taken from the Greek Goddess Juno, the counterpart of Venus- Goddess of Love. So it is a pagan tradition to have tying of the knots in this love month....not February...

So much of Greek mythology.

What does it have to do with being Wealthy? Oh, I tell you there is so much connection as weddings are actually the starting point of a marriage. And marriage is the beginning of family life, the starting point of increasing responsibilities, and if not properly prepared for, weddings becomes the beginning of the end of marriage due to financial issues, and thus crashing the hope of being wealthy.

Weddings entail a lot of preparations and planning, and inevitably a lot of money outflows. Thus, this is where the biggest pressure of couple comes in. I have heard so many stories of couples preparing so much for the wedding day itself, and after the wedding finding themselves in deep financial trouble, and in view of this, the marriage suffers, and eventually leads to a disastrous separation.

When Fely and I were engaged and planned our wedding, we have only both of us to rely on. Thus, we carefully studied our finances and carried out our wedding celebration to how much we can afford. Thus the wedding did not end up as a financial trap for both of us.

This is what couples must look at before they jump into their wedding. They must look beyond the wedding celebration for there is this married life they need to look forward to. Financial planning for weddings should not be myopic. It must extend beyond the wedding ceremonies. Plans should include the eventual additions to the family, a new home,and many other needs and responsibilities.

I know the pressures of planning for the wedding for I've gone through it. Adding plans for what is in store after the wedding is equally important and challenging. But believe me, if you want to start right your married life right after the wedding, plan for it.

Don't let your June wedding or whatever month you plan to wed end up in separation due to financial issues. Plan ahead for what comes next after the wedding...

God bless!

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