Monday, June 28, 2010

The X-Curve Lessons- Be Prepared Financially

X-Curve is a powerful concept that our company has brought from the USA. It's a simple yet very powerful concept that will ensure financial success if executed properly.

It simply states that while we are young we have little or no savings and that as we grow old we must follow the Law of Building Wealth. That is, we must be able to increase our wealth and have lots of money as we grow old.

Conversely, When we are young and starting to build our family, we have a very huge responsibility that as we grow old we must ensure we follow this time, the Law of Decreasing Responsibility. The only way we can reduce the responsibility is by increasing our wealth. For every peso we save and invest, is a peso reduction in our responsibility.

X-Curve clearly shows us that we can move from ACTIVE INCOME EARNER to PASSIVE INCOME EARNER if we follow the Law of Building Wealth.

The early stage of building wealth is a precarious or very insecure stage. This stage is ACTIVE INCOME earning stage. We may have the capability to earn income to support our responsibility for we are still young, but the income which is very temporary is supporting a very permanent need. Thus, this must be addressed to ensure financial success. The solution is to have instant money for the family in case the bread winner, or the one who generates the income is incapacitated or is taken by the Lord. In financial services, this is called PROTECTION, and in plain language INSURANCE.

The later stage of building wealth should be prepared for as well to achieve the PASSIVE INCOME earning stage. This is by ensuring we have correct savings and investments. Investments placed on financial instruments like MUTUAL FUNDS and STOCKS that will yield high interest rates and yet are safe. This is to ensure that we have lots of money when we grow old which can generate interest income that will fund our retirement and most especially our HEALTH CARE. This way we live on the interest of the money we have saved and invested.

In our company, we wont sell you insurance or investment instruments. What we do is teach you and make you expert on this X-Curve Lessons, that you will be compelled to do it for the love of your family and yourself.We shall also show you what investment instruments like MUTUAL FUNDS, STOCKS to get into, when to get into it. Will make you your own financial planner and broker by executing the X-Curve Lessons.

Happy X-Curving in Action!

God bless!

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