Tuesday, June 1, 2010

No Small Living....Think Big for your Future

Most common issue I encounter with people who do not prepare for their future, and resist to take steps to ensure they leave something to their family is simply lack of foresight, hope, and dreams.

And you know what, it affects all kinds of people from different levels of earning capability and age. Some will say they don't even have enough to survive or subsists in their daily existence. Some will say, "I'm giving them good education and that's enough, they must take care of themselves, and as for me, let the future take care of itself".

I can predict a disastrous future for them. Hopefully, they were awakened and do something to change their mindsets before it's really too late. It' will be difficult to change people's mindset, but we need to give them information to make them change from within.

But, the good news is that, many young people are beginning to realize early in life the right way. Students, young professionals in their early twenties already think about their future including their retirement which is not common years back. That's a good sign. So many are now dreaming and thinking big for their future.

So how do we Dream Big and Think Big? What is the foundation of this? It's all about love. Yes, LOVE. If we love our family, we will ensure they have something to live on with. If we love ourselves, we will ensure that we will have a comfortable old age. Our guide on this preparation for our future is found on Book of Proverbs: 13:22" A good man will have wealth to leave to his grandchildren..." and in another version: " A wise man leaves inheritance to his children's children..."

Being good and being wise requires the right knowledge. A good guide to make sure we have something is found on the story of Joseph in Genesis: 41:1-36. We really have to ensure we keep 1/5 of our harvest for our future. As to where you will put your 1/5, you've go to learn the how to properly and safely invest.

Be good and wise! Dream big for your future!

God bless!

For your investing guides...just email us or send your response to this blogspot....

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