Monday, January 24, 2011

Having Financial Literacy Is The First Step

Many books and seminars talk about Secrets of the Millionaires, How To Become Rich, How To Invest, and many other How to's.... This is because the very first step to getting rich is by enriching our mind first with knowledge. We wont know the right steps unless we get ourselves trained or educated or both. We need to first Invest on Knowledge.

In the 2011 message of the Chairman of Citisec On-Line underscored the need for financial literacy among Filipino investors. He has taken the mission to spread financial literacy specifically on investing in stocks and make it easy for common Filipinos to get involved in stocks investing. Bro Bo Sanchez a lay preacher and leader of the Light Of Jesus Community also emphasizes the need to have Financial Literacy. He conducts regular Truly Rich Coaching Seminars to reach out to as many people, and be able to open people's minds on how to have passive income streams or "automatic money machines".

Our company's mission is to ensure "No Family Is Left Behind" and we do this by continuing education through free seminars that we conduct all over the Philippines and all over the world. We provide financial literacy to those who are seeking the right way to becoming truly rich. This is because we firmly believe that indeed the very first step to financial freedom is financial literacy.

Go and get books, attend seminars and increase your financial literacy.

God bless us all!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Do What You Say... Consistently

Integrity is the Secret #2 revealed by T Harv Ecker on his latest blog about the habit of millionaires. I define integrity as doing what you say even if others are not looking, or checking on you, and doing it consistently. It is also our 2nd TRM VALUE.

In investing and business, this is very key ingredient to make you successful. Once you have resolved to start up your saving, investment, and Business Plans, you need o do it consistently. Day by day, month by month, year by year even when it seems difficult, and even if there is no one checking on you.

T Harv says that " The most successful millionaires I know all have absolute INTEGRITY. Integrity simply means doing what you say you are going to do. When you make commitments to yourself that you don’t keep, you train your mind to not do what you say. You’re setting yourself up NOT to succeed."

So you need to develop INTEGRITY from within to be able to have integrity in front of others. And it is indeed a very important characteristic, or call it quality of a successful and happy millionaire. We need to ACT on what we SAY and PLAN we will do, and do it CONSISTENTLY. In other words, we must continually and consistently invest and do Business to achieve our financial plans. If we do this, we are guaranteed to be millionaires. Even when nobody is CHECKING on YOU!

Happy investing!

God bless us all!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Start Early... Start NOW!

The easiest thing to do after you have learned new concepts is to forget it and do nothing about it. Delays in acting on something normally breeds habit of procrastination delaying anything you need to do.

There are so many people I met in their 50's that always say, "sayang...bakit ngayon ko lang nalaman"... The pain of regret of not knowing the concepts earlier as they find it more difficult to achieve their financial goals. What is even more pitiful is that I also meet people who are very young, have a good job, but is so comfortable in their spending habits that despite the obviousness and clarity of the financial planning concepts we share, still let the opportunity to execute or put to action their savings and investment plans to hold.

As you know by now, investments as easy as 1000 per month for 25 Years on an average of 12% per year compounded interest growth will amount to 1.8M Pesos, and if you extend that 35 years it will be amounting to 5.4M Pesos. If you start say at age 20 before you turn 45 you are already a Millionaire and a Multi-Millionaire by age 50. If you procrastinate and do it when you turn 50 you may not have the chance to enjoy this millions. Or to achieve the same amount in 5 years at 12 % one has to save and invest 20K per month to have 1.9M pesos.

Which is easy, saving 34 pesos per day amounting to 1000 pesos per month of savings, or saving 680 pesos per day ?

So the key thing really is to Start Early and Start Now! Be a Millionaire!

Happy Investing.

God bless us all!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Stay Simple...

Simplicity is a virtue that we need to be truly rich. People who had gone up their financial status who does not remain simple that flaunts their riches turns me off and makes me pity them. I have also seen those who raises their lifestyle ahead of their earnings finds it easy to lose their millions. Those who remains simple despite their financial success are the truly rich people.

In recent years my model of simplicity is one of the richest man on earth with billions of dollars in his name. He is Warren Buffet. Though he had accumulated so much wealth, he has remained a man of simple joys and lifestyle. He still drives his own not brand new car. He lives in the same house for the last 35 years. He never flies on a private jet though he owns one of the largest private jet manufacturer in the world. The list goes on and on.

In one of the rare photo shoots showing Bill gates and Warren Buffet, you can see how the two differs in their ways from the suit they wear. Warren , being simple as he is, wears what is comfortable for him and not the signature dresses. He always say that what we have to spend on are the needs of others. He does what he say for he had contributed several billions of his money to charity, He is one of the biggest if not the biggest donors of Bill Gates foundation.

You want to be truly rich and very happy! Follow the examples of Warren .

Be Rich! Be Truly Rich!

Stay simple and donate to charities and your church!

God bless us all!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

It All Starts With A Plan...

It's another year ahead of us, and we have just completed our family annual planning session. We reviewed our past year and declared our Big Dreams for this year. We always find it fulfilling to have our planning session as a family.

In the corporate world, we also do this on an annual basis and review our progress daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly at different levels of hte organization.

In planning for financial success, the same rudiment is required. You have to make a plan. You can't achieve your financial goals if you do not create a plan. If you have your own family, you and your spouse are the leaders of that family and as a Leader, you need to make sure you have a plan.

As you can read below this blog, " A Leader cannot afford to neglect planning"- John C Maxwell. Thus, we must ensure we do come up with a plan.

The basic essence of financial planning is similar to that of corporate world. We just have to add some more tools X-Curve Concept, , Financial Check Up Forms, and Financial Goals Worksheet.

You want to learn the Steps to becoming truly wealthy? It starts with a plan....

You want to learn more about it...just drop an email comment to this blog.

I will be more than happy to help you!

God bless!

A Leaders Way
Leaders cannot afford to neglect planning

By John C. Maxwell
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 20:52:00 01/08/2011

Filed Under: business

“Good planning always costs less than good reacting.”
—Wayne Schmidt

IN OCTOBER 2010 the most expensive public works project in America, ARC, officially met its demise. The project would have constructed two tunnels beneath the Hudson River to add much-needed railways between New Jersey and Manhattan. However, poor planning led to wasteful spending and put the project on pace to exceed its budget by at least $1 billion.

A federal audit of the project brought to light an embarrassing lack of planning. The audit charged NJ Transit with failing to draw up plans to combat fraud and waste in its financial practices. The same audit chastised the FTA for authorizing NJ Transit to spend $1.35 billion without having seen a project management plan, master schedule or financial plan from the agency. On account of ARC’s runaway costs and inadequate strategic plans, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie decided to cancel the project.

The appeal of planning ahead

As a leader, you may be tempted to initiate action without taking the time to map out plans. After all, it feels unproductive to think about how to do something when you could simply roll up your sleeves and start making things happen. However, it’s far less of an investment to prepare for a project in advance than to repair a project after it has gone awry.

In leadership, all is well that begins well. Leaders who carefully craft strategies enjoy success, while those who haphazardly race forward experience heartache.

Strategy functions as a leader’s blueprint, playbook or script. It aligns action and focuses energy toward a goal, preventing costly delays and wasted resources. By following a coherent strategy, leaders arrive at a predetermined destination instead of wandering in an uncertain direction.

Leadership planning process

These nine simple steps outline the leadership planning process. I trust they will be beneficial to you as you make plans for a successful 2011.

Predetermine your course of action
Lay out your goals
Adjust your priorities
Notify key personnel
Allow time for acceptance
Head into action
Expect problems
Always point to your successes
Daily review your progress

(Begin the year right by raising your leadership skills. Attend the “Developing the Leader Within You” with Maxwell-certified speaker Francis Kong on January 19-20 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel. Avail of a “Buy 1 Seat, Get 1 Seat Free” promo by calling Inspire Leadership Consultancy at 6872614 or 7064853 and look for Kriselle. Visit us at

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Investing at 60% ROR for 2010! Happy New Year!

If you put your money in the bank, the best earning you can have is about 4% If you own the bank, you would have earned more than 100%... Neither of the two am I but I earned more than 60% ROR on my investments last year. And it is easy, uncomplicated, and fun to do. And by the way, it is also very legal, and certainly not a SCAM.

So how did I do that, I placed continuously investments on Mutual funds which had surpassed the projections. It even climbed beyond 70% finally settling down at about 60% by year end. What exactly does 60% ROR means? It means that if you have placed 100K Php as investments beginning of 2010, your money by end of the year is already 160K Php and you do nothing. No going to the bank, no checking the trend, no analyzing or managing your investments. Somebody who is an expert in those things such as what stocks to buy, when and how much to buy for each is already done for you. You simply fill up investment forms, have two government issued ID xeroxed and submitted along with your investment and your done.

To maximize Money Cost Averaging on your Mutual Fund Investments, then just do this monthly. That is how simple it is and your money will certainly earn more interest than simply putting it in a bank.

If you want to learn more about this type of safe, easy and trouble free investing, just contact me through email or through this blog.

Happy Investing!

God bless!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Investing is Really Made Simpler

How much is your Rate of Return (ROR) from your investments? Do you beat the 12% mark? In the last two years, our ROR beats not just 12%... you wont believe it...but it's true... And it is so simple that most people fear it is another scheme to dupe them of their money, or in short another form of SCAM.

In the talk of Bro Bo last Sunday at the Feast in PICC, he updated the community that his maids whom he taught on how to invest in stocks market now have more than 70,000php out of the 2000Php/month investments and his fearless forecast is that his maids will become millionaires if they continue to invest within 7 years. If you do not know Bro Bo...then you would say the same thing...SCAM...

But let me tell you, if you really want to be truly rich, it is really very simple yet it is made complicated by most people who do not know , or not financially literate.

With just small amounts of investments, one can achieve huge investments in their future. In the past, you need to have access with brokers, and have to have a large sum of money to get into investing. But now a days, all you need is 5000Php for initial investments, and you can add on as low as 1000Php per month. If you just take a conservative estimate of 12% ROR per year, and you maintain the 1000Php/month of investments, you will have more than 3,000,000.00 Php in 30 Years. Make it 2000Php and you will have more than 6Million!

If you want to learn more on Mutual Funds, and Direct Stocks Investing...just contact me...

God bless!