Sunday, June 26, 2011

IMG SG Convention June 2011- Building Big Business!

IMG- International Marketing Group where Fely and I are affiliated as Independent Marketing Representative had another convention this year at Singapore Suntec International Convention Center in the heart of Singapore City. It was a very well attended event and the speakers are Xuan Nguyen our Head Coach and Chairman of IMG, Vivian Olero a Filipino IT Professional based in California who is just promoted to CEO and one of the top leaders in the whole of USA, and the young and energetic Johnny Mehrian. Johnny is only 26 years old but has a mindset and principles of a 50 year old businessman!

There were more than 300 attendees in this convention who came from all over the world. More than half however,came from the Philippines and from our own team, we were 17. Our (Truly Rich Makers Team) biggest delegation so far in an International Convention.

Above picture shows Fely our Newly Promoted Senior Marketing Director, our Truly Rich Makers Team Banner, and Malou Torres at our IMG Singapore Office. Malou is one of our MDs who were in the Convention. MD Malou and Vener received their Plaque as MD-Marketing Director in this convention along with Quey/Joey Arellano, and Nancy/Manny Martin (Watch out for my coming blog for these very special women in our IMG Team!).Others who were with us are the couple Malvin and Matin who were awarded MDs in our Hong Kong Convention. Our incoming MDs Kiko and Lui De Belen, Hazel Paular, Ybeth Usuraga,Jan Cyril Santos, Jerry and Anna Mae Udarbe, Joy Hilario. See picture below of the Truly Rich Makers Delegation and Recipients of Awards....

I have summarized and written here the Key Concepts I learned from the Convention. May this help you in doing your IMG Business or whatever business you maybe indulged in right now. The principles are so universal that it applies to all kinds of business. It is also timeless. 10 years hence, the same building principles are what can make us Big Builders.

The first speaker was Vivian Olero. She is a Graduate of Adamson University and had moved to California USA on a working visa in 1999. She is an IT Professional and earns well in her profession. Her story is truly inspiring. She was born poor and her parents were poor. But she strove hard to study and she finished her degree, the only one who was able to do it in her family because of their financial difficulty. So when she moved to the USA, like most of us who are well off, her family continued to need her support. The most dramatic need came when her sister was diagnosed with cancer. She needed to have extra income to sent to her family and this motivated her to start as part time her business. She actually invited herself to do the business and she did the business relentlessly without excuses even if she was doing it part time.

These are her winning principles:

- This business not only provides what are tangibles. It also has intangible building your character... It is not being rich or popular that matters, it is believing in what we do!!

- We need to live by example to our team. We must be 20X better than our team members so we can gain their respect..

- Do this business without excuse to live a legacy to your family!

Here are the Pointers on How to Conduct Your IMG Business:

1.) Do FAST Start! Go deep with new recruit fast before they die.... because they will die fast...

2.) Make yourself predictable! Always go to the meeting and follow the system...

3.) Set your Goals and Hit it! You want to be big in the business... No EXCUSES... as every excuse brings me away from my dreams and goals...

4.) Become a Trainer (P263 of System Builder). In this business , if you are not a trainer, you are dead! And who is a Trainer? ...Somebody who have guts!

5.) Have A Business Work Ethics... Predictable in going to the meetings, have an office, have an Admin Clerk to do your paper works so you can devote more time to do the business, have the machines and technology to help you,and be in business attire!!!

6.) Have Big Vision... The danger in life is not that we set big goals in life and missed it... it is when we set small goals and always hit it...and be satisfied with it....

7.) Don't change your lifestyle.... when you win in this business, do not flaunt your success and change your lifestyle. continue to be who you are, what you are....

8.) If I can do it...You can do it! Believe in yourself...Do not be jealous... inspired instead....

9.) Do not compare yourself to the bottom, compare yourself to the top to keep you inspired and going...

The second speaker was Johnny Mehrian. He is the younger brother of Pedhi Mehrian. I wrote about him in my last blog. He is now 5 years in the business. He is a "Karate Kid" ... a member of the USA National Team so beware with your comments (joke only...)

He shared about his experience in his Jr Olympics days... 9 months into training he broke his foot and his "sensei" or teacher/trainer challenged him to decide to fight or not... he fought and won...much the same about need to fight. "Life is a fight...keep fighting"... Photo shows Johnny with (from right to left seated) MD-Malvin Leano, MD-Benj Santiago (Blogger), SMD- Fely Santiago( Benj Spouse), MD-Nancy Martin, MD- Malou Torres, FL-Anna Mae Udarbe, FL-Jerry Udarbe (Spouse of May..) Not in photo is Matin Leano (Spouse of Malvin) who took this photo...

These are Johnny's winning principles:

- Want to win...for your family

- Find out who you are and who you want to be and fight for it...

- Quitting is not an option

- How big and how fast you build your business depends on you..

- In this business, you are not in the fight alone!

- You've got to have a winning attitude all the time!!

- The right time won't come... you have to make the right time!

- Recruit to Build.. Do not just recruit to recruit or recruit to sale... Recruit somebody to build him in this business.

- Trainers must have URGENCY... within the next 48 hours the things you do and you don't do determines if your recruit stays in the business or not.

- Be a Fast Start Trainer... Are you ?

- Treat your new recruit as an MD in the making.

- Hula hoops are same as our IMG Fast Spin. The faster you spin, the more Leaders and Trainers are raised up and keeps going. The momentum picks it up. The moment you stop, everyone drops...

- Always check your bubble chart...your organization...your team...your baseshop

_ Big base mentality.(P190 of System Builder)

Xuan Nguyen our Head Coach and Head Trainer , the author of the System Builder Book provided us with the best training.In his usual fighting mood, Xuan emphatically trained us on the conduct of our business to ensure our success. Here are the excerpts of the points he stressed:

- There are many crisis in the world today. But one big and really closest all will face is the retirement crisis!...because alot of people have problems making money.. If in your accumulation stage you are not able to accumulate money for retirement... guess what will happen when you are going to use the money you should have accumulated before you retire?

- Make money as much as you can when you can.... and save as much as you can...

- We are business people... and we are in business for people (slightly modified)

- Social change not same speed as couple's change

- There is a New World Order... There is a lot of unemployment, Job moves, and is taken away by automation.

- Before, careers makes people rich, but now even doctors, lawyers, and those with doctorate degrees find themselves in financial troubles. Think what can make you rich? Is it career? It is business that will make you rich.... What business?

- Be in a business that is predictable and proven ... Systematized (Franchising)

- The world will go "mass marketing"... you can get anything now on-line.... by yourself...

- The future is : multi task , felxible, fast, motivated, and aggressive entrepreneur!

- Water vs Wood... Fluid that flows vs Solid that isn't free flowing... System Builder is the career for the 21st century..

- 21st century will bring death to Networking, MLM, sales people and Travel Agency... What will survive are real business...

- IMG is a real business...with real product with a proven System!

- Build a big business/big organization with a predictable system... "How many System Builders do you have in your Team?"

- Our Job is to build an MD Factory...

- Think and Grow Rich is OBSOLETE!

- Have a Recruiting Mentality, Fast Start Mentality- Do Everything Fast, Meeting Mentality(Most Important) don't show up in the meeting, you are dead, you are not counted in..., and lastly have Team Work Mentality

- Education centuries ago is a privilege...

- Watches are priced possessions and not all can have it in the past...

- Not everyone has TV Set...(My addition)

- Today..KNOWLEDGE is accessible more than ever compared to our past.

- Today, it is not all about Knowledge, but how to USE this knowledge...doing something about it..

- What good is a PhD if you are dead broke?

- The middle class is fading, the business class is emerging. Business Class are those who have KNOWLEDGE and follow it up with ACTION...


- Most people want to join...some don't...So if you want more recruits , invite and talk to more people. Check your statistics. Generally factor in 10%. Use law of averages. Large population, large possibilities...

- You are always one recruit away from explosion...

- WHY: Define your compelling reason .... your strong reason to recruit and do this business...


- GOAL: Define your WHY and HOW with DEADLINES....... be GREAT!!!


- Meet twice a week...

- Meet to retain people

- Selling is short term, while meeting is for long term....


1.) You must have or create a STRONG REASON to do the BUSINESS. The CAUSE...Your PURPOSE!

2.) You must have a BIG Goal...

3.) Write it down and read it everyday (like what Bro Bo suggest we do in our BIG Dreams)

4.) Have a deadline...

5.) Do the business everyday!

6.) Reward yourself/your family if you hit your goal!

7.) Stay POSITIVE- Stay DISCIPLINED (Physically and Mentally)

8.) Be TEAM PLAYER... (Look up to everyone in the bigger team as well...the entire IMG is our TEAM all over the world!)

9.) Always lead by example....Stay in Front...don't just talk...Show....

10.) No EXCUSE... be relentless.....


- It's a profitable Business

- It's "duplicatable" and Big Business

- It is build to last....


You have to have....

VISION- No vision you will perish... Your success depends on the size of your vision...

MISSION- A man or a team with a mission is a strong man or team...(like Truly Rich Maker's Team)

SYSTEM- Requires a lot of DISCIPLINE. No system small business...with system...BIG Business...

ENTREPRENEURSHIP- Be a businessman... requires a lot of work, a new's tough to show up early and stay late... answer phone call, and emails ASAP... Dress SHARP!!!

What a wonderful LEARNING is always different to be present when the Master Builder and Head Coach shares his wisdom...and always exciting to hear success stories from our leaders from the USA!!!

See you all in Macau on September 25, 2011!!! We already have booked our flight!!!....

God bless us all!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Winning Business Models...

Are you aspiring to PUT UP Your Own Business?

Are you looking for BUSINESS MODELS to follow to increase your chance of SUCCESS?

The list of Filipino Billionaires had been published once again today in this page...http://

Looking at what the top 3 Billionaires (in US $) have as a business... There are three things that I see they have in common...

First thing is that they have a business that is a One-Stop-Shop. They have all they need within the same group of companies. They have banks where they can borrow money for their investments. They own their construction company that builds their establishments. They have their own retail store which also has everything people will need. In short, a self sustainable conglomerate. In reality, they also By-Pass the Middleman as they get their needs from themselves.

Another is that they have Multiple Outlets all over the Philippines and some of them even globally positioned. They build many outlets to reach out to as many clients/customers.

These multi-billionaires are in their 70-80's and have accumulated their wealth across the decades. They make their billions work for them.

So if you want to be billionaires, we can pick up from this model. In IMG I see this business opportunity. You do not need to have billions to have the same business model. The income however, is definitely not far from achieving multi billions given 40-50 years. 

I started with it 17 Years ago, and had the opportunity to build mulitple outlets (1670 to date) in 70 Countries, generating for me six-figure PASSIVE MONTHLY INCOME! We don't need Miilions or even Hundreds of thousands to get started. All you need to put out to get started is about P12,000

ACT on IT NOW! Join our Team ; The Truly Rich Makers, by simply sending me a message at so I can register you, and guide and coach you to get you started.

I have a GIFT for you if you do it TODAY!

Let's be happy billionaires too!....

God bless us all!

Benj Santiago
Founder and Head Coach
Truly Rich Makers

PS: Check our website