Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Relentless CHAMPIONS of 2012

Manny Pacquiao have goals and been continuously coached and trained, but that won’t guarantee him to be a Champion. He also need to be Relentless in his pursuit to be a true champion. What is being relentless? Webster defines it as: showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength or pace…. Clear? “Mas madali intindihin pag tagalog”: “walang tigil” , "tuloy tuloy"…. “di tumitirik (Easier said in the vernacular: unstoppable)… We saw Manny climb from one weight division to the next higher level.

So that’s the first thing we have to put into practice, like what Manny did, we need to continuously upgrade our goals. Once we achieve a particular goal, we should not rest on our laurels and stay complacent. We must drive to the next higher goal. And if we do it continually we ride on the momentum. Take anything in motion, like a bus or car. If it stops and goes towards a certain destination (goal), it takes more time and more gasoline (effort) to do it. But if it is continuous, it rides on the speed and momentum and reaches the destination faster. Same way in being a champion in our IMG Mission. The pursuit of the next higher level of performance and achievements can only be sustained by increasing your goals continually relentlessly. Our performance is tied up to our proficiency. The more we do what we do, the more we become proficient and thus our performance increases. If we stop increasing our goals, we would also stop growing in our proficiency and stagnate. In our 4 years of doing the IMG Mission, we always come up with an aggressive goals doubling even tripling our quarterly performance to keep us going. More often , we missed on our target, but we certainly become better than the last time.

In the Gospel of Luke 18: 5 “Yet because this widow troubleth me. I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.” How do we stay relentless in our pursuit of our goals? We need to persevere like the widow who did not let up in her prayers. “Kung may tiyaga, may nilaga”…this is what perseverance is all about. We have to persist to be a champion. We have to go through what is severe opposition… exactly what the Latin word is “perseverer” (per- through, and severus-severe). If we continue to persist in our mission in spite of severe opposition or discouragement we become true champion. If you keep pushing on a solid and strong wall, you may not be able to push the wall even a tiny fraction of a millimetre. But surely after a long period of time you will develop your muscle strength. Your capability to push will be heightened. Same is true in our IMG Mission. If we encounter opposition or counter influence, it makes us stronger if we go through it. In our early years of doing this IMG business with mission, we had encountered a lot of contradictions, oppositions, and outright humiliations. Some of my dearly loved people even called me names, and humiliated and hurt me. But it did not stop us. It only made us stronger and bolder. We decided to persevere in the mission, and go through the opposition. We came out winners…Champions!

T. Harv Eker:”Set yourself up for success by creating a mindset that focuses on opportunities instead of problems. What you focus on expands, so if you want to have more opportunities, focus on opportunities. Don’t get hung up on obstacles, barriers or all the bad news you see in the media.” Simply said, Stay POSITIVE! There is really so much negativity in the world around us. You see and hear daily news that contains more of unpleasant events in politics, showbiz and ordinary people’s lives. You watch “telenovelas” and the plot is all about, deceit, corruption, lust, greed. And that is what most people feed their mind. If we want to be a true champion, we must have a positive mind-set which we can have by going with people of the same mind-set. By reading, studying, listening to something positive like Praise and Worship songs, Books on Bro Bo Sanchez, and most importantly the Bible. In this IMG Mission, opposition, and rejections are common thing for people are really lacking in Financial Literacy. We have gone through this by believing in our mission and staying positive.

What fuels us to keep going is the desire to achieve the SMART-CY (discussed in my previous blog) goals we have set. When there are set-backs and down fall we look up and Focus to our Dreams and it keep us going. Why is that? We made our dreams so compelling that there will be no other bigger reason for us to stop. We want to give the best to our children’s children. We want to make sure we are financially free. We want to donate to Bro Bo’s ministry, the Anawim a sum of 5M in 2014, plus so many other dreams that can only be fulfilled by pursuing our dreams RELENTLESSLY….

Friday, January 13, 2012

Champions of 2012

Everyone wants to be a winner, a Champion, but not everyone can. Wanting is the first thing to do and the easier part. Working out to be a champion is the difficult part, the painful part which most people avoid. That is why not everyone becomes a champion.

In our mission, we have found these 4 tenets to be most important ones that make us champions.

1. Stay FOCUSed
2. Continuously TRAIN
3. Be RELENTLess

How do we stay FOCUSed…

When things are not focused on, it remains blurred and unclear. When things are unclear and not understandable it cannot be formed into reality. Take the (LED) projector as an example, if it is focused, it projects clear image, and thus can be read and understood. What is understood can then be performed or done.

Same is true with what the mind focus on. When we focus our minds, we are clear on our goals or what we want to achieve. But how do we do this? Ask me HOW???

First we need to make sure we define what we want to achieve the SMART-CY way. I would like to define this as Specific, Measureable, Aggressive, yet Realistic, and Time Bounded attached to your Compelling Y (Why). We must ensure that we are very specific in our goals. It must not be generic like saying I want to be super rich. Transforming this to SMART-CY would be I want to have a passive income of 1M start of Jan 2014 to donate 5M to Anawin by Dec 2014.

Memorizing all your goals is something okay but can be improved by simply writing it down. In the Wealth Circle we attended, Bro Bo asked us to write down 40 goals that come to our mind. But before he did that, he also shared his 40 goals with us. At this point, I want you to define just 4 Major Dreams or Goals in life you have. Just continue with this list and grow it to 40 or even more when you get home. Do it as a family. It is fun. It is even more fun to put it into pictures. Or vision boards.

Next thing we can do to is to connect our goals to our compelling reasons or emotional why. Why do we want to achieve these goals? If we cannot connect our goals to a compelling reason, then it is a weak goal, a goal that is blurred and can get us defocused. Our compelling reason must be strong enough to keep us focused on our mission.

In our Trainers Manual, the very first page we have there is the Top 10 Reasons why we want to be successful in IMG Business. I urge you to really do this. This makes sure that our focus is super clear. As an example, my compelling reason why I want to have a passive income of 1M per month in this business is for us to be able o donate 5M/year to Anawim starting 2014. The best goals to define is in unison with your compelling reason. Thus, it is really very important we complete our Top 10 Compelling Reasons. If we attach our goals to a reason, especially that of acquiring wealth, then we will not be chasing the wind. Amen!

Then our next step is to continuously pray for our goals daily. Lift up to God all our goals and plans in life and let Him bless and make them reality. For he promised in Mt7:7 Ask and you shall receive….

Achieving the goals we set won’t happen if we are not equipped and trained to achieve them. We see Manny Pacquiao fight on top of the ring, but not everyone see the difficult training he goes through before he steps in to the ring. He trains very hard and that is why he is equipped to win and be a champion. In our mission, we have to Train hard and continuously…

Our company is so generous as far as training is concerned. We are trained how to be Financially Literate as well as how to be a Successful Entrepreneur. Training is achieved by attending meetings, events, and conventions and. In our own journey towards becoming financial advisers, and successful entrepreneur, we made sure we attend meeting every Wednesday to increase our Financial IQ, and Friday to improve our business know-how. Then we also attend our team meetings for updates and recognition. I encourage you to do the same.

The best training happens in the field. I would consider this as the actual hands-on training. Training in the classroom develops our mindsets, while the field enhances our skills. Classroom flexes our mind, while the field strengthens our heart. The more we go to the field, the more we believe what we do, the more we learn how to share our mission, and the more we gain confidence. Rejections are what stretch our capabilities, while our wins and successes make us more confident and inspired to go for more wins. Practice makes perfect.

Then, we supplement our training by reading books. Our System Builder is the best book to read and reread to learn. We read books by Bro Bo the 8 Secrets, the 8 Habits of Happy Millionaires, and How to Prosper among others. We attend other seminars and most importantly, we attend the Feast every Sunday at PICC.

Financial Education never stops. Learning is a continuous process.

Manny Pacquiao needs a coach to be properly trained. Someone who analyses and looks at how he moves, and how his opponents moves. He then comes out with a game plan and a training plan to develop the skills to prepare him for the fight. Same with IMG. We have to have our Coach or Trainer. In our own experience, we looked up to those who had been successful in IMG like Mam Shirley and Sir Manny San Miguel, Mam Ginalyn and Sir Rey Labrado the two husband and wife CEO Team of IMG that we admire and look up to as our coach . We listen and learn from Sir Joen and Sir Noel. Sir Joen for the business strategies, and Sir Noel for the Financial Literacy. We also do not miss the opportunity to listen to WFG Leaders like Vivian Olero. Most especially to our Head Coach Xuan Nguyen. We also get coaching on investment strategies from Rex Mendoza. Listening to their coaching hasten our process of being our own financial coach. And our best source of coaching is through our spiritual mentor, Bro Bo Sanchez.

We then take time to analyze our business progress every month and come out with strategies every 6 months to achieve our goals. We use the 4S Methodology to do this. This is discussed in detail in another blog. We pick out the best techniques and ideas from our coaches or mentors and innovate for success. One innovation we have done is to make full use of multimedia and computer technology to our advantage. We also had made sure; we build strong relationships with our business partners through our meetings and informal gatherings. We take time out to stop by and drop by with our business partners to provide informal coaching sessions. We get coached and we coach others. It is like a getting our bucket filled up and emptying it up to our team on a continuing cycle.

If you have champion coaches like them, you are a sure champion, and eventually can become a champion coach yourself!

We shall tackle on the next blog the remaining two topics: Be RELENTLess , and DUPLICATE….

God bless!