Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Relentless CHAMPIONS of 2012

Manny Pacquiao have goals and been continuously coached and trained, but that won’t guarantee him to be a Champion. He also need to be Relentless in his pursuit to be a true champion. What is being relentless? Webster defines it as: showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength or pace…. Clear? “Mas madali intindihin pag tagalog”: “walang tigil” , "tuloy tuloy"…. “di tumitirik (Easier said in the vernacular: unstoppable)… We saw Manny climb from one weight division to the next higher level.

So that’s the first thing we have to put into practice, like what Manny did, we need to continuously upgrade our goals. Once we achieve a particular goal, we should not rest on our laurels and stay complacent. We must drive to the next higher goal. And if we do it continually we ride on the momentum. Take anything in motion, like a bus or car. If it stops and goes towards a certain destination (goal), it takes more time and more gasoline (effort) to do it. But if it is continuous, it rides on the speed and momentum and reaches the destination faster. Same way in being a champion in our IMG Mission. The pursuit of the next higher level of performance and achievements can only be sustained by increasing your goals continually relentlessly. Our performance is tied up to our proficiency. The more we do what we do, the more we become proficient and thus our performance increases. If we stop increasing our goals, we would also stop growing in our proficiency and stagnate. In our 4 years of doing the IMG Mission, we always come up with an aggressive goals doubling even tripling our quarterly performance to keep us going. More often , we missed on our target, but we certainly become better than the last time.

In the Gospel of Luke 18: 5 “Yet because this widow troubleth me. I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.” How do we stay relentless in our pursuit of our goals? We need to persevere like the widow who did not let up in her prayers. “Kung may tiyaga, may nilaga”…this is what perseverance is all about. We have to persist to be a champion. We have to go through what is severe opposition… exactly what the Latin word is “perseverer” (per- through, and severus-severe). If we continue to persist in our mission in spite of severe opposition or discouragement we become true champion. If you keep pushing on a solid and strong wall, you may not be able to push the wall even a tiny fraction of a millimetre. But surely after a long period of time you will develop your muscle strength. Your capability to push will be heightened. Same is true in our IMG Mission. If we encounter opposition or counter influence, it makes us stronger if we go through it. In our early years of doing this IMG business with mission, we had encountered a lot of contradictions, oppositions, and outright humiliations. Some of my dearly loved people even called me names, and humiliated and hurt me. But it did not stop us. It only made us stronger and bolder. We decided to persevere in the mission, and go through the opposition. We came out winners…Champions!

T. Harv Eker:”Set yourself up for success by creating a mindset that focuses on opportunities instead of problems. What you focus on expands, so if you want to have more opportunities, focus on opportunities. Don’t get hung up on obstacles, barriers or all the bad news you see in the media.” Simply said, Stay POSITIVE! There is really so much negativity in the world around us. You see and hear daily news that contains more of unpleasant events in politics, showbiz and ordinary people’s lives. You watch “telenovelas” and the plot is all about, deceit, corruption, lust, greed. And that is what most people feed their mind. If we want to be a true champion, we must have a positive mind-set which we can have by going with people of the same mind-set. By reading, studying, listening to something positive like Praise and Worship songs, Books on Bro Bo Sanchez, and most importantly the Bible. In this IMG Mission, opposition, and rejections are common thing for people are really lacking in Financial Literacy. We have gone through this by believing in our mission and staying positive.

What fuels us to keep going is the desire to achieve the SMART-CY (discussed in my previous blog) goals we have set. When there are set-backs and down fall we look up and Focus to our Dreams and it keep us going. Why is that? We made our dreams so compelling that there will be no other bigger reason for us to stop. We want to give the best to our children’s children. We want to make sure we are financially free. We want to donate to Bro Bo’s ministry, the Anawim a sum of 5M in 2014, plus so many other dreams that can only be fulfilled by pursuing our dreams RELENTLESSLY….

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